Monday, November 26, 2012

The Pure Consciousness Experience

Turning Negatives into Positives
 The following testimonial is a note that was pasted on my facebook page last week by one of my clients - Thea.
"Today I lost my iphone whilst running the dog, for a moment I panicked...this was not the first time the first time the universe had warned me to get a grip on reality and out of cyberspace...
I went back to search for the phone with my kids...and had the best experience with the river...tranquil and peaceful...I watched them be children...innocent and full of life and wondered how they came to be so wonderful. My daughter sang with her heart and my son ran like the wind. We all enjoyed the comfort of our company.
It was a test for me, to remind me of what mattered the most. Thanks for your help and teaching me how to be present, open my heart to the love that exists within me and enjoy the peaks and plateaus of life as it unfolds xox"
To be inspired on a daily basis to align your thought processes and transmute negativity, go to the following page and press LIKE:)

About Sorelle Miller:
Sorelle Miller is a contemporary meditation teacher who has combined the contemplative practices of the East with the most usable, relevant scientific information and research of the West, to deliver Wellness programs that are insightful, fun and informative, designed specifically to elicit the Relaxation Response.

Sorelle’s techniques are varied and designed specifically for the individual or group, to quickly allow you to slow your thinking, increase your awareness and develop your ability to trust your own intuition.

Sorelle was born in Perth Western Australia and is of Asian descent, her family originating in Myanmar.  Her passion for systems of self education that promote resilience and total health and well being began with the completion of a  Bachelor of Arts Degree  in Education and Psychology .  Sorelle became a primary school teacher and aerobics instructor in her early twenties and continued to expand her focus on health and wellbeing after completing a Graduate Diploma in Business.  Sorelle’s personal growth and development has been enhanced by a variety of courses of study and travel around the world, shifting the focus from head to heart based knowledge.  Her passion to learn and immerse herself in the healing philosophies of different cultures and religions has inspired her to travel to many countries and locations around the world. Specifically the Navaho countryside of Utah and Arizona, Monument Valley, Death Valley, the Grand Canyon, the Mayan Ruins  in Mexico, the Stonehenge in England,  Vatican City in Rome,  the Pyramids of Egypt and marry in the 130 million year old rainforests in Terranganu, Malaysia.

 Her inspiration to strengthen and consolidate her skills to fully engage in meditative practices began in 2001 with the birth of her first child, balancing a career as a facilitator and sole parent as her husband worked offshore for long periods of time. At this time Sorelle facilitated and developed a variety of personal growth courses in Self Esteem, Communication and Parenting for a local Non Profit community group. Simultaneously Sorelle explored many alternative meditative processes that would deepen one’s ability to align the energy systems of one’s thoughts to reduce stress and found that her techniques were being requested by many of her course participants. In 2002 Sorelle was one of the first in Australia to participate and certify in Doreen Virtue’s Angel Intuitive Program. In addition she has explored Reiki, Luxor Light Meditations and the practical strategies of Kinesiology.

 Sorelle’s interest in Neural Linguistic Programming and Neuroplasticity began in 2007 when her  husband became a paraplegic. Sorelle’s husband had a motorbike land on his chest at a racetrack in Perth and suffered extreme pain from a myriad of injuries. The sudden change of circumstance impacted Sorelle’s philosophy and life direction immensely. Through this traumatic time, Sorelle’s resilience and ability to focus wholeheartedly on what needed to be done,  tested the skill set that she had developed over the years.  However the gift of this situation was that she saw her life purpose with new eyes.  Sorelle focused with intent on the skills she had developed and also educated herself about the brain’s ability to rewire itself, with the research of Norman Doige. Fortunately, her husband had been accepted into a 6 million dollar study into Neuroplasticity at Curtin University. However just as the program was about to commence in 2009, Sorelle endured the tragic passing of her husband unexpectedly. As part of her healing journey, Sorelle chose to travel to Chaing Mai, Thailand to study the art of playing the Tibetan Bowls and bells with a Tibetan shaman who is renowned in his field of healing.

The combination of her educational background, insight, intuition and ability to cope with grief has allowed Sorelle to recognize her true purpose in sharing these gifts and coping mechanisms with others. 

Sorelle’s philosophy focuses on balance, awareness and your perception of the world around you and facilitating an understanding of the structures of the personality and mind that move you from ease to dis-ease

Her inspiration for life and down to earth authenticity is exemplified in her work in which her mission is to introduce effective, sustainable wellness for individuals in their life and provide them with the tools to enable, empower and inspire life balance to achieve total health.  Her gift specialises in meditative processes facilitating the Relaxation Response to enable individuals to shift mindset and achieve enhanced wellness whilst improving their self awareness and mental clarity. 

The fast-paced life-forces of this century has eroded humanity of the ability to recognize and deal with the mental and emotional confusion that arises out of coping with the complexities of everyday life.  Total Health and Life Balance through a state of Pure Consciousness provides as a catalyst to help us deal with the challenge of living in the 22nd century! 

For more information for PERSONAL MEDITATION MENTORING please email me or call

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Changing Direction

Today I contemplated exactly what experiences I wanted to align myself with for the future. It's very exciting to write a Business Plan when it involves your life's purpose. Knowing it is half the battle, however then pursuing it and building it with a solid foundation of TRUST IN THE FUTURE YOU CANNOT SEE is another experience yet again.

So often in life, we reach a point in time when we definitely know that we need to let go of something in order to create something new. If your glass is full, there is no room for anything else. Just how do you do this in times of rapid change, financial responsibilities and information overload.

I have a secret I want to share...
  • First you need to stop
  •  Second you need to feel.
  •  Third you need to surrender.

It's amazing, we are all so good at being busy. We will often ignore the warning signs that something needs to change. It's not like we haven't had that experience before, as with each phase in life brings endings and new beginnings. However what has changed is our need to control it all, to cause the least discomfort possible.

I have been juggling and juggling this last year. Well aware of my financial responsibilities to my two children and myself, I have attempted transitioning into a new career in a safe fashion...Still holding onto the old, and chunking off  the new. However with every opportunity there is an opportunity cost. Over the last two months I have been feeling the costs...literally...I have come too far to want to go backwards...however I have reached a kind of middle limbo...doing everything part time but not seeming to get the results I really want.

However in my moments of fear and doubt...something wonderful has transpired. I have realized that unlike the me of the past...I no longer numb myself so that  I cannot feel the pain of change. Through the skills and knowledge I have acquired, I realize that I have come a really long way in my readiness for change. I stop each morning before the day begins. I feel the adrenalin that runs through my veins as a result of the many outcomes I want to achieve for the day and I then surrender to the this present moment.

This brings such great respite. It brings such clarity. It's okay because I now know that these feelings don't last and I can choose my alignment in my life. I choose to be grateful. I choose to allow my fears to inspire me in a direction that is less frantic, more nurturing and understanding that I am worth the discipline it takes to make the necessary changes. The direction now is not about being the BEST IN THE WORLD (ego driven) is about BEING THE BEST FOR MY WORLD. (Emanating from my essence.)

In feeling my resistance, I notice my fear, embrace it and  surrender my they are often just old conditioning and belief systems that need upgrading.

So, if you find yourself wanting to change direction but are fearful of the consequences...Take a moment and stop. Give yourself the space to feel your feelings. Allow what challenges you to inspire a new level of self awareness and self worth. You do deserve this time. You can take one small step today to appreciate yourself in a new way and empower yourself to know...that your limitations begin mentally and as you allow yourself to think in new ways...Energy follows will feel yourself being in new ways...

Affirmation: I allow the light of my awareness to shine brightly, illuminate the darkness and support my growth. I am brave. I am strong. I let go of  past disappointments and humbly move forward knowing I am worth the effort it takes to change and realign my thoughts.


Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Movie Review "The Descendants" with George Clooney

Today I decided to listen to my body and give it a rest...

In our adrenalin fueled busy world this is no mean feat...especially for a single mum like me:)

However I do surrender to my body as I value it's wisdom and inorder to focus on rest I hired a movie called "The Descendants" with an old favourite of mine...Mr George Clooney.

Life is a mirror and this movie is a fantastic look at the frailities of humanity. There is adrenalin, infidelity, illusion, unruly children and teens,. money. power. greed and the duality of peace. forgiveness. loyalty  acceptance, respect and joy with a bit of humor thrown in!

It is about a father who is a lawyer, who is so busy making money and providing above and beyond for the monetary needs of his family who is woken up to the state of dysfunction within his family unit by a serious accident involving his sporty,  adrenalin fueled wife. The movie is set in Hawaii and has many important themes in our busy modern day lives. At one point the main character reflects that the members of his family are like the island state of Hawaii  ...all separate but functioning under the same identity.

This movie touched me to the core as it so beautifully illustrated the depths of illusion and denial that we can operate in when it comes to having a serious look within. The parts of our actions and attitudes that we disown, often show up in our nearest and dearest...that being our children.

From many ancient teachings... the cycle of life exists in a triangle of build, maintain and destroy.
The first generation build, the second generation maintain and the third generation (if they do not hold the same values) often destroy. It is in the destruction of the old that a new level of understanding and growth can appear. It also cleverly depicts the need to live fully, love fully and let go fully. The third part of the equation requiring introspection and forgiveness.

For me personally, it mirrored my own journey through life. For those that don't know me...My husband and I were adrenalin junkies in another life. Totally for goal setting and pushing ourselves harder, stronger and faster way beyond what often was humanly possible. My husband worked offshore in an adrenalin fuelled industry and when he came home he rode keep the level of adrenalin going. In balance this is ok...however when have you lost the a junkie it is very hard to slow down. If you miss the signs, life has a way of bringing you to your knees.

In the cycle of build, maintain and husbands motorbike accident, paraplegia with extreme complications and then death two years later has come with extreme pain but also a multitude of blessings.

There is one line in the movie when the George Clooney's character states:
"Goodbye my love, goodbye my pain, goodbye my joy, Goodbye my love"

I love this line because it reminds us that if we are aware of the reality of life...
you will know that emotions are incomplete states of awareness.
You cannot have a pleasure without a pain, or a pain without a pleasure.
For every opportunity there is an opportunity cost.

Grief is an assumption (along with years of conditioning) that who ever or what ever you  miss had more benefits that drawbacks. Yet we are sent of of it...the support and the challenge to learn. In reality it is human nature to create a value from a when we don't have something or someone or we are faced with the threat of losing them, we value whatever it is even more.

So today I chose to make an opportunity out of an opportunity cost of being a bit under the weather. I chose to value the guidance system of my physical body and value it's awareness to nurture myself back to health.

YOUR HEALTH and YOUR MINDSET are your biggest assets...The best way to expand the use and effectiveness of your energy is to become more aware of it.

Extreme adrenalin fuelled highs are always accompanied with an extreme low...the difference with the meditative life is your ability to balance and self correct...To have reflective awareness is to  be able to shift your mindset out of lopsides emotions and systematically release them. This is the business of Pure are not only taught the beautiful tool of meditation but also a range of strategies and techniques to create wellness and re align your mindset.

I highly recommend this movie...a beautiful reminder that it doesn't matter what's on paper. A family is made not by a marriage or birth certificate but by the time put in to communicate, understand differences, compromise and reflect on what is working and not working.

A film well worth watching...Namaste

Thursday, August 2, 2012


Going with the flow...we all know intuitively that we need to trust the ebb and flow of life...but how often do we hear ourselves say..."If ONLY...THEN...I could rest, happy".

This week I chose to go with the opportunities that lay in front of me...which meant late, late nights and early starts...I was fortunate enough to speak to a good friend on the Monday evening when all seemed quite daunting to help me realign my thoughts from...
"I haven't got enough time and energy to get through this week..."
"I live in a state of balance, all that I create all that I need to create what I want...."

I also consciously chose to listen to my body...I was conscious that my adrenalin levels were already high to meet my deadlines... I needed to work with my that I didn't need my usual "hour of power" to start the day...(20mins meditation, 20mins exercise, 20mins visualization) I needed to get as much sleep as possible  so the 20 minutes meditation was the only practical option...I needed to stop, recharge before I got ready for the next day...

The main thought that kept me going was that "THIS IS ONLY TEMPORARY"...

and whilst I kept my thoughts positive and level of endurance high...with my mindset...

my daughters reflected back to me the parts I was ignoring...
"Mum I have a sore back...Mum I don't feel welll"

So today the UNIVERSE has red flagged me and asked me to stop...

I am grateful for the guidance...I am looking after my little girl today because that is what is required in this present moment...I listen, I trust and I take guided action...

Wiith every opportunity cost, there is an opportunity and vice verser...

The key is to listen...the solution is always there if we go with the flow...

and choose to align our best efforts with what is needed in the moment...

Wishing you peace in your day today and may you go with the flow...

Sunday, July 29, 2012

INTRODUCING THE SPIRIT TREE Meditation for Relaxation CD

Do you value time out to relax, ground yourself and be centred in who you really are?

 Spirit Tree is a bright bold and colourful meditation CD designed to help you relax and connect you with your creativity and intuition. The beautiful artwork depicts and owl standing in a tree which signifies being able to find your way in the dark.

The first track "Spirit Tree"  is 25minutes long and is designed to de-stress you and systematically release your emotions and bring you back to a neutral state.

The second track has been designed for those days when despite the highest intentions, all of your actions have lead to things falling in a heap. This track inspires you to relfect, learn the wisdom from the situation and prepare to take action from a place of calm centredness.

The CD is available now and is $30 plus $3 postage and handling.

Email for payment and ordering details.

Read a review about this product @
Namaste Sorelle


I truly believe that by knowing what you value in life and in commiting pen to paper and writing down your get more of what you focus on...For the last 5 years I have been affirming that I utilize technology with ease (LOL!!!)  and am supported in my process of learning and expansion. By this process I receive equally pure hearted and beautifully honest individuals driven by the highest intent. The dynamics of our combined integrity and commitment to authentic growth allow my operation in personal development, leadership, meditation and  mindset training to become one of the highest recommended  and sort after locally, nationally and internationally...BOLD I KNOW!!!YOU HAVE TO THINK GLOBAL!!!!

I am supported by a large number of professional services who are on the same page and heartfelt in wanting my business to prosper, succeed and influence a variety of people in their every day lives...This type of mentality is called a"horizon mentality"...In that you have a big, big picture of how you would like your life to unfold with the highest intent for your purposefulness on the planet. John Demartini calls this your "telos".

Well to date this has been manifesting slowly over the last three years...Given Pure Consciousness is only 3 years young. I am supported by my local doctors at the Southlands Medical Surgery and, thanks to the vision of Dr Andrew founder of the Australian Institute of Holistic Medicine, my local Naturopaths and beauticians...and this has generally spread out more and more as I focus about my mission and articulate the  vision for my life which is: to connect people to their creativity and intuition and create a tranquil space for grace to enter and to research, explore and refine methods of self education and self care, that combines the lastest western scientific research  based techniques and align these with the ancient wisdoms and tools of the East to promote balance and authentic growth.

So imagine my delight today when I received a wonderful recommendation in the by a beautiful earth angel called Jen who is the founder of this site of guidance and inspiration.  I was lucky enough to spend some heartfelt time on the Cruise ship the Royal Oasis with the Masterminds of the Carribean. Birds of a feather flock together...

Please check out this amazing site and what she has to say about the new Pure Consciousness CD...

Pure Consciousness is all about you deciding to change the course of your life and aligning it with your highest values. I teach by example and my path is illuminated by the voice of my intuition. My hope for you,is that by becoming truly centred and by seeing the value in your own life, that you will be able to do the same.
Please check out some of the FREE TOOLS available on this site:

Namaste Sorelle

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Great Book Titles to Explore...

Dr John Demartini
- The Breakthrough Experience,
- The Riches Within,

Gary Zukav
- Spiritual Partnership
The Journey to Authentic Power,

Mary Carlomagno
-Live More Want Less
52 ways to find order in your life,

Daniel J. Siegel M.D.
- Mindsight
 The New Science of Personal Transformation,

Tricia Brennan
-The Map of the Soul,

Joe Dispenza D.C.
- Evolve your Brain
The Science of Changing Your Mind,

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Changing the Water in your Goldfish Bowl

I have just returned from an AMAZING EVENT...Traveling on the Royal Oasis of The Seas (the world's largest cruiseship) through the East and West Carribean with the intent of learning new skills that would have the capacity to elevate my  consciousness. I was blessed to be in the company of some of the worlds leading educators on Mindset, Leadership and Wellbeing.

Dr John Demartini -Author of "The Riches Within" and "The Breakthrough Experience" was an amazing inspiration in the field of mindset, wellness and balance. His main message was to center yourself in love as
the world treats you the way you treat yourself.
He states:"Anything you stress about- anything you don't uncover and dissolve  by identifying it's hidden gift-is automatically stored in your body and can be felt in the form of signs and symptoms. Whenever you have an imbalanced perspective about the universe and see disorder, you're either attracted and repelled. You like or dislike; you experience pleasure or pain. Whatever you polarize your perceptions about in this way affects your cells in the same way, causing tension and compression in the cells that could be considered a state if disorder. It causes too much or too little activity of the cell which we currently call disease. These very same polarizations also communicate imbalances to the brain, causing further emotional reaction, which then go the cells and impose even more tension and compression. Its a cycle of reflexes and consciousness."
  Pg 35, 36  The Riches Within

Dr Demartini urges us to remember that signs and symptoms of your body give you feedback to guide your mind's awareness and your body's actions back to presence, poise and balance through love and gratitude.

His presentation was both scientific and awe inspiring. The man has read 29 800 books and can readily reference all of his material. He truly is a great advocate for the power of self education.

For me personally it reminded me how necessary it is to change our environment in order to allow the brain to wire and fire in new ways. We get stuck with a particular lens with which we view our life and generally we can only see and feel life in terms of pleasure/pain, loss/gain, positive or negative. However in order to see the gift of the events that are less than favourable, we need to empty out the water of our emotions and ground ourself in logic to look at both sides of the story- the pluses and the minuses.

The Pure Consciousness tools that I have developed facilitate the systematic release of emotion through meditation. The short courses explore what to do with that emotion, should it arise based on the very latest scientific research. I combine The ancient wisdoms of the East with the latest in brain research from the west to inspire you to connect with your heart and neutralize emotion so that you can be poised, purposeful, patient, powerful and productive. I bring your unconscious skills to a conscious level through the breath, creativity and connect you to your intuition through the power of relaxing the mind.

By shifting out of your comfort zone and trying something new, you engage your neural pathways to explore life and raise hope...

To find out more...why not come to the next Intro Night-
Wednesday August 1st 7.30pm
@The Canning River Eco Centre
Cost $20

Here you will be introduced to the Pure Consciousness Philosophy and experience the meditation that I facilitate.

Did you know that there are 84 000 ways to meditate?
Don't let your preconceptions fog up the goldfish bowl that is your mind...break through the glass ceiling and aim to be inspired...

We cannot change our reality if we remain in the same consciousness that created it!

Namaste (The light in me sees the light in you:)


Thursday, April 26, 2012

Surviving the Washing Machine of Life...

This blog is inspired by a brief conversation I had with a fellow mum at school this morning...She likened her life during the school  term to a Washing Machine...getting the load in and out, rushing to make it on time here there and everywhere and constantly feeling tossed and turned like the clothes in a washing machine...

I thought her comments were a clever analogy and I must admit I know the dread of being in that washing machine.

I know this feeling only too well. Life has a way of tossing and turning you upside down...when you least expect it and you find yourself confronted with big never dreamed you would have to make.

Sometimes it is easy to feel trapped in a place of no choice because of financial pressure and listening to your heart just is not the practical option.

Intuition is rarely practical but it is amazing how things turn out for those who dare to create change in the direction of their  hearts. Aligning your focus with your highest vision for your life is scary as it means you will need to let go of something in order to attract in something new. The same principle is true of learning...In order to learn something new, you need to let of something you thought to be true and the person that thinks they know it all cannot change, grow or evolve. It is a risk.

For true change to be invited it is important to acknowledge the depth and height of your situation and the opportunities and opportunity costs it initiates. You have established yourself in this situation to learn, grow and move beyond what you don't want. You may not like it at times but it is familiar and familiar is somewhat more comforting than the threat of life being out of your control. This is not a judgement of good or can be just they way things are from time to time.

There are pluses and minuses to all situations in life...the key to understand how well it is working for you is your attitude to it all. This is not to say that this gorgeous mum had a bad attitude...far from it...This amazing mum always radiates a positive nature...and makes the best of her life daily. The intent to this blog is to stop and recognize the energy it takes, to allow all of our life events to move through us like wind blowing through leaves on a big old tree. Roots firmly planted moving with grace and our spirit being able to move beyond being earthbound and growing wings to fly to creative heights of your intuitive imagination. You may have an inkling that there may be a better way of juggling your life circumstances..often that inkling is right.

If life is passing you by and everyday feels like a bad hair day...not enough time, not enough money, not enough spontaneity...this work life balance clearly needs to be refined.

The truth is we live in an abundant world...we live in the richest country and we have the most resources per person across the globe to dispose of. The most expensive resource  which we seem to undervalue is our time.

I crossed another Mum's path this morning who had just cut back her work hours. She radiated lightness of energy. Her comment was that she was not going to get this time back with her children. It was a brave move but one that paid immediate dividends.

The truth is we all need to find our own sense of balance and what works for each of us in our own unique growth pattern..Sometimes in order to achieve such clarity we need to align ourselves with those activities that allow us to relax. Continually functioning on adrenalin taxes our body in many, many ways over time.

We may be able to send our kids to the finest schools, enable them to pursue most interesting extra-curricular activities and take them on exciting holidays but what use is all of that when you are feeling tossed, turned, frazzled and displaced. Our kids resonate with us more than what we know and they in turn then reflect back to us...our unloved parts. The stress that we would prefer to run from and eventually run into.

Negative emotions can be the motivation for positive change if you are open to stop running from them.
The dark and the difficult are as necessary as the light and the easy...each compliment each other in turning challenges into strengths...However even our strengths eventually turn into our challenges over time...such is the duality of life. WE ARE ALL CONTINUALLY EVOLVING and we are exactly where we need to be for the next stage of growth.

Pure Consciousness offers a place of respite and relaxation. A place of pure space and intent for you to be born anew. Pure Consciousness develops skills designed to assist you to find your true North and allow your mental, emotional, physical self to integrate with your spirit, allowing you to be centered in the height and depth of your current life experience.

Shelley Tucker of Canningvale explains the effect of the Pure Consciousness Meditation and You Course on her life in the following testimonial:

"As a result of completing the course, I can move forward, live in the moment, stop worrying about things that may never happen. I have learnt to relax and create space for my own meditation.

Firstly I had very little knowledge of meditation and heard about it and was curious, after my first session was very impressed with what I got out of it. I saw this as the beginning of an adventure and knew that this was for me.

I found each session very pleasant and welcoming and it really created positive changes for me. It has prepared me to face the future with acceptance.

The science behind why we think the way we do and how we can all change was amazing. I looked forward to every session and went away very positive looking forward to all the challenges that life presents. Changes didn't happen overnight but I'm sure they happened much faster as a result.

I had no idea what a major turning point this was to be in my life and my hope that it's best years lie ahead, I am on a mission.!'

If you would like to know more about the meditation and the philosophy behind
 Pure Consciousness why not come to the the next
 Intro Night which is on 
Wednesday the  9th of May at the Canning River Eco Centre.
 The cost is $20. 
Contact Sorelle: email

It is truly a gift that you give yourself.
You Deserve it!

Monday, April 9, 2012

"Progress is difficult to define because it depends on who is doing the defining..."

Micheal Chorost - Science Writer based in Washington DC wrote in the New Scientist 2012
"Progress is difficult to define because it depends on who is doing the defining"

How do you define progress? Is it by the new house that you aspire to live in one day? The new car? The next job or the next experience that will  move you away from pain and closer to pleasure?

Our definition of progress is purely relevant to the challenges that we perceive we are up against. We may be moving in a certain direction and then out of the blue (or so it seems) a catastrophe happens and we become constrained and our development is taken in a new direction...or is it?

In the billions of years that this planet has been evolving...there has been one catastrophe after another. As the universe has evolved and aged, the systems within it have grown ever more complex. Once the earth was nothing more than a piece of hot molten rock circling the sun...A collision with a huge meterorite allowed the moon to be born and slowly the earth has evolved from being amongst the stars and galaxies, into a planet with bacteria, plants, animals, brains, societies and technologies.

Put into this context we can see the sophistication over time and earth and it's inhabitant's development has continued to move in a direction. Evolution though subjected to ice ages, fire, flood and natural disaster has been constrained from time to time but evolved just the same. Direction however has not defined purpose.

Your definition of progress will definatively define the purpose behind your motivations.
It will influence not only what you do but how you go about it...

To me being able to step outside of your comfort zone and take a a sign of progress. To not fear failure but be able to feel the joy of taking steps in the direction of your dreams is progress, To me stopping still long enough to move beyond the logistics of your life into self care, nurture and education is progress.
To me being able to acknowledge, feel and move beyond the frightened parts of your personality is progress.

To understand change is the natural order of things and to be able to recharge your spirit and reinvent the parts your personality that are not in alignment with the you. that you know you can be, is progress. 

How do you define progress? It really is a question worth pondering...

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

States of Transition

Every now and again you will recognize a state you have previously been in that has been sent to teach you something…

Phases thru my life that you might identify with:
Upon reflection of my own life these are the phases that I have noticed…

 Quarantine- all must stop change be emptied let go of and things need to cleaned up…

Persistance- you’re committed to the 90th percentile but finding it difficult to stay on the path…You know what works and constantly remind yourself to listen to that wise little voice within…but the personality actually doesn’t like change so “persists” in engaging in more of the same…

The Screamer – you are trying so hard to do what you “think” is right and this is suppressing what you feel is right…What you feel is too painful to put into words so at the right trigger you find yourself having no capacity to stop and observe the pain…you find yourself at worst screaming and at best crying because you cannot explain your feelings.

Bliss- everything in that moment is perfect…You are not worried about the future, not thinking about the past, just enjoying the present to maximum capacity. Like the joy felt witnessing a dolphin swim past or the enchantment of watching a beautiful butterfly, magnificent starry sky or sunrise/sunset. BEING IMMERSED IN NATURE WITH NO BOUNDARIES…A FEELING OF ONENESS with EVERYTHING and EVERYONE.

 Whatever phase you might find yourself in...know that it's only temporary...
Energy is constantly moving from Order to Chaos and it's our job to bring it back into alignment...

Pure Consciousness Meditations facilitate techniques which are designed to get you off the treadmill of avoiding pain and seeking the very thing that can make you happy one day can make you unhappy the next...

A classic example of this in my life, was when my  late husband Craig went to extraordinary extents to get me on his first classic silver 900FE Ducati motorcycle...He had a pillion seat spray painted just for me and after months of preparation couldn't wait to take me on my first official ride on "The Duke". 

Unfortunately for me...I didn't have the proper riding boots and the zip on the boots that I wore cut the paintwork back to the fibreglass...Hence Craig went  from proud as punch  "Bliss"  to the "Screamer" state within about 20 seconds of his mate Terry saying ..."Ah mate, I don't spose you've noticed this...Now mate don't get angry at Sorelle...she didn't mean to do it"...

Unfortunately for me...Craig did his best to refrain from cussing and swearing in the moment...however I paid for it for the following month, when the slightest little mistake would cause him to vent irrationally...just like Happy Gilmore!!!!

Ah such is life and the learning curve of transitioning to more empowered states. You can only do so if you recognize the benefits of staying relaxed, confident and centered. Meditation can assist you to  refine pain and become more truthful, helping to eliminate stress, so that it is not suppressed... opportunities consistently present for us to become more conscious of our truth and speak it with integrity and love, as what is suppressed eventually needs to be expressed.

Want to find out more?
Come to the next Intro Night,,,February 8th and 15th at the Canning River Eco centre...7.30pm.
Cnr Queens Pk Rd and Kent St Wilson
Cost $20

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Welcoming The Winds of Change-Creating a Work/Life Balance

Quick Lunchtime Meditation
If you find that your daily life has you glued to an office  chair, running from appointment to appointment or looking after everyone else but yourself...Creating a  work life balance starts with your intention.
This quick 3 minute meditation is designed to realign your mindset and state to a relaxed and confident state.It can be used as a beginners guide to quietening the mind and carving out an intention to bring peace and nature into your day...
Set aside 5 minutes to create balance in your all starts with a thought.
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain...

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Free 3 minute Full Moon Meditation - Welcome 2012

Meditation is a gift you give to yourself...the best way to get started is to punctuate your day with 3 minutes of mindfulness. Start small and set a goal to aim towards 10mins a day. There are large volumes of research documenting the value of this practice for the human condition.

This short clip was taken at Nannup Hideaway Spa Cottages in the beautiful south west of Western Australia on full moon. It aims to elicit the Relaxation Response for your body, mind and spirit.

Remember that it is not what you do occasionally that creates lasting is what you do consistently...

Pure Consciousness aims to enhance Wellness for those who have a Pure Intent to change the quality of their life experience...The body is self healing, all you need to do is to be able to let the life force do it's work.

My intention is to facilitate balance and provide a tranquil space of grace to enter. To feel life's rhythm, to notice the sacred order and to see the gifts and opportunities for growth in the most challenging of situations are some of the many gifts that you may become aware of through the courses I facilitate.

In every moment of our lives we are choosing between safety and growth, In choosing to open ourselves to deeper insights and personal transformations and realizations, we come to recognize that there is more to living than mere existence and more to life than mere survival.

Namaste and enjoy...

This is just the beginning.