Tuesday, January 31, 2012

States of Transition

Every now and again you will recognize a state you have previously been in that has been sent to teach you something…

Phases thru my life that you might identify with:
Upon reflection of my own life these are the phases that I have noticed…

 Quarantine- all must stop change be emptied let go of and things need to cleaned up…

Persistance- you’re committed to the 90th percentile but finding it difficult to stay on the path…You know what works and constantly remind yourself to listen to that wise little voice within…but the personality actually doesn’t like change so “persists” in engaging in more of the same…

The Screamer – you are trying so hard to do what you “think” is right and this is suppressing what you feel is right…What you feel is too painful to put into words so at the right trigger you find yourself having no capacity to stop and observe the pain…you find yourself at worst screaming and at best crying because you cannot explain your feelings.

Bliss- everything in that moment is perfect…You are not worried about the future, not thinking about the past, just enjoying the present to maximum capacity. Like the joy felt witnessing a dolphin swim past or the enchantment of watching a beautiful butterfly, magnificent starry sky or sunrise/sunset. BEING IMMERSED IN NATURE WITH NO BOUNDARIES…A FEELING OF ONENESS with EVERYTHING and EVERYONE.

 Whatever phase you might find yourself in...know that it's only temporary...
Energy is constantly moving from Order to Chaos and it's our job to bring it back into alignment...

Pure Consciousness Meditations facilitate techniques which are designed to get you off the treadmill of avoiding pain and seeking pleasure..as the very thing that can make you happy one day can make you unhappy the next...

A classic example of this in my life, was when my  late husband Craig went to extraordinary extents to get me on his first classic silver 900FE Ducati motorcycle...He had a pillion seat spray painted just for me and after months of preparation couldn't wait to take me on my first official ride on "The Duke". 

Unfortunately for me...I didn't have the proper riding boots and the zip on the boots that I wore cut the paintwork back to the fibreglass...Hence Craig went  from proud as punch  "Bliss"  to the "Screamer" state within about 20 seconds of his mate Terry saying ..."Ah mate, I don't spose you've noticed this...Now mate don't get angry at Sorelle...she didn't mean to do it"...

Unfortunately for me...Craig did his best to refrain from cussing and swearing in the moment...however I paid for it for the following month, when the slightest little mistake would cause him to vent irrationally...just like Happy Gilmore!!!!

Ah such is life and the learning curve of transitioning to more empowered states. You can only do so if you recognize the benefits of staying relaxed, confident and centered. Meditation can assist you to  refine pain and become more truthful, helping to eliminate stress, so that it is not suppressed... opportunities consistently present for us to become more conscious of our truth and speak it with integrity and love, as what is suppressed eventually needs to be expressed.

Want to find out more?
Come to the next Intro Night,,,February 8th and 15th at the Canning River Eco centre...7.30pm.
Cnr Queens Pk Rd and Kent St Wilson
Cost $20

1 comment:

  1. Enter the Pure Consciousness Facebook Competition to win a double pass to the Intro Night and the book "365 Meditations for Busy People" by Laura Grey. To enter simply
    1. Like the Pure Consciousness Facebook page
    2. Share this link with your friends.
    3. Get them to like the Pure Consciousness Facebook Page.
    4. The person with the most shared invites and likes wins .

    Good Luck! Winner notified by Facebook Messaging
    Prize must be collected at the The Intro Night on the 8th of February/
