Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Free 3 minute Full Moon Meditation - Welcome 2012

Meditation is a gift you give to yourself...the best way to get started is to punctuate your day with 3 minutes of mindfulness. Start small and set a goal to aim towards 10mins a day. There are large volumes of research documenting the value of this practice for the human condition.

This short clip was taken at Nannup Hideaway Spa Cottages in the beautiful south west of Western Australia on full moon. It aims to elicit the Relaxation Response for your body, mind and spirit.

Remember that it is not what you do occasionally that creates lasting is what you do consistently...

Pure Consciousness aims to enhance Wellness for those who have a Pure Intent to change the quality of their life experience...The body is self healing, all you need to do is to be able to let the life force do it's work.

My intention is to facilitate balance and provide a tranquil space of grace to enter. To feel life's rhythm, to notice the sacred order and to see the gifts and opportunities for growth in the most challenging of situations are some of the many gifts that you may become aware of through the courses I facilitate.

In every moment of our lives we are choosing between safety and growth, In choosing to open ourselves to deeper insights and personal transformations and realizations, we come to recognize that there is more to living than mere existence and more to life than mere survival.

Namaste and enjoy...

This is just the beginning.

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