Sunday, July 31, 2011

New Tools for Your Tool Box

Using your instincts or intuition is not something that you may consciously consider on a daily basis. However sometimes when we are literally stopped through illness, change of circumstance or misfortune it may pay you to get in touch with skills and abilities that are beyond our everyday thought processes...

Let's face it...thinking is addictive! The mind is a live stream of both constructive and not so constructive processes...and we can become consumed with the tiny part of reality that we can percieve with our senses...This leads us to having lop sided perceptions about a range of experiences that we polarize into good or bad, happy or sad...Negative emotions are often put in the too hard basket as it takes courage to have a deep look at what's not working in our lives...Too often there are many distractions to take us away from feeling and learning and to gain distance from our thoughts takes training and a level of discipline...

Pure Consciousness offers you many different tools to refine your ability to elevate your perceptions and enrich your life experience. My mission in life is to research, refine and explore systems of personal transformation and self education and I attract only those with a pure intent to improve the quality of the life they are living.

I have recently added a new tool called The Equiliberation Process which for those who are time poor, allows you to clear an issue which may have been caught in an emotional cycle...This process allows you to work through issues that have not been resolved in your consciousness so that you can percieve the wholeness of the situation and experience the situation from an elevated perspective...It allows your energy attachment to be cleared. You will know the type of issue that I speak of as they tend to repeat themselves, cycle after cycle...until you have gained the clarity to evolve the immortal nature of the heart. This process allows you to cease blaming others or yourself for your situation and allows you to percieve the gifts that were inherent there at the same time. Your job is to identify what needs to be worked on and have the courage to bring it to the table. These sessions are one on one, private and confidential. For more information please contact me.

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