Using your instincts or intuition is not something that you may consciously consider on a daily basis. However sometimes when we are literally stopped through illness, change of circumstance or misfortune it may pay you to get in touch with skills and abilities that are beyond our everyday thought processes...
Let's face it...thinking is addictive! The mind is a live stream of both constructive and not so constructive processes...and we can become consumed with the tiny part of reality that we can percieve with our senses...This leads us to having lop sided perceptions about a range of experiences that we polarize into good or bad, happy or sad...Negative emotions are often put in the too hard basket as it takes courage to have a deep look at what's not working in our lives...Too often there are many distractions to take us away from feeling and learning and to gain distance from our thoughts takes training and a level of discipline...
Pure Consciousness offers you many different tools to refine your ability to elevate your perceptions and enrich your life experience. My mission in life is to research, refine and explore systems of personal transformation and self education and I attract only those with a pure intent to improve the quality of the life they are living.
I have recently added a new tool called The Equiliberation Process which for those who are time poor, allows you to clear an issue which may have been caught in an emotional cycle...This process allows you to work through issues that have not been resolved in your consciousness so that you can percieve the wholeness of the situation and experience the situation from an elevated perspective...It allows your energy attachment to be cleared. You will know the type of issue that I speak of as they tend to repeat themselves, cycle after cycle...until you have gained the clarity to evolve the immortal nature of the heart. This process allows you to cease blaming others or yourself for your situation and allows you to percieve the gifts that were inherent there at the same time. Your job is to identify what needs to be worked on and have the courage to bring it to the table. These sessions are one on one, private and confidential. For more information please contact me.
Self Healing Tool facilitating Balance, connecting you to your Creativity and Intuition.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Monday, July 4, 2011
Pure LUCK! Its the Preparation that counts!

The sentiment is how I choose to feel and the images are the essence of who I know I am. I am an adventurer, I love to travel to and explore the mysteries of the universe, I am constantly unveiling transforming and transmuting negative unconscious beliefs and I work in strong partnerships with those that are around me. I look for beauty in the world around me and know that every negative emotion is the impetus for positive change. I believe that just as the universe is billions upon billions larger than what we can perceive, so is the universe within.
I welcome new life and seek to value and nurture my children to stand on my shoulders and elevate their perspective of the world. I know I am a lucky girl.
The pictures on the page are as valid to me now as they were when I first created the document. It has been my blueprint.
After glancing at the picture this morning...I ran around with the kids and then head over to my local shopping centre to enter a competition that would allow me to win a fashion voucher. The irony was that I had tried to enter the day before but the centre had run out of surprise envelopes for that day...The kind lady advised me to come back tomorrow...(that being today)...Lucky or unlucky? I chose to view it as lucky as I would have more chances to win...You could enter this lucky dip with a receipt as little as $10 and as I had just spent a considerable amount of money on a new modem ($200) and printer ink ($100). So I thought why not? I head back to the centre in the pouring rain this morning and handed in my receipts for validation and to my surprise and pure delight I received a $250 voucher for my efforts...WOW!!!
It has made my day and reaffirmed to me that when I choose my attitude about the way in which I perceive my world...what I perceive I receive.
The synchronicity of life has no co-incidence. I choose to align my spirt with the purest perspective and what I focus on, I get more of...
Do you wish you were rich? Then you are feeling poor!
Do you wish you were not a negative person - then you are empowering the very thing you wish you were not...
We don't get what we desire - we get what we are...and the most beautiful part is that only you can define that perspective...You create the life you experience by acknowledging you thoughts and feelings. Often we are so busy creating the physical and mental experience of our world, we bundle and safely package and wrap the emotions for another day...However these act as blocks that prevent you from manifesting the life that you want...It is when you are not attached to any outcome that you receive the outcome you want...
Our state just not just is defined by our thoughts ( which we can choose) and our feelings. (which we need to feel). Our feelings are our greatest gift and teacher.
This blueprint that I have for my life, is not defined by things but the feelings that those pictures evoke...My life is rich because I see the value in the painful times, in teaching me something about my life that I may not have necessarily been inspired to learn, had their been only good times...
Twenty five years later, I have travelled the world, I have been married to a beautiful man who is now with me in spirit. I have had beautiful children and I continue to do the work that it takes to refine my physical vessel, and my emotional and mental state.
Through meditation I connect with the spirit, light and power of my soul. I am aware of the way in which my mind can work and actively seek to grow and change and develop new ways of doing more with less...
Last night I had facilitated my fourth Pure Consciousness Meditation for Relaxation Level One course and I felt extremely lucky to be in the right place at the right time with the right people.
Their testimonials were as follows:
Shelley Tucker: (Canningvale) " I can move forward , live in the moment, stop worrying about things that may never happen. I have learnt how to relax and create space. I think positive and know change can happen"
Sonia Brooks; (Sorrento)" I can believe in myself. Trust in life's process. I have learnt to meditate. I will continue of my new beginning and continue on with the next course to align myself to my true values."
Di Ridley(Harrisdale) "Being part of a group made the experience more intense and by coming to group sessions, has made me experience things I didn't think were possible. This course is more personalized and you are able to put the techniques into practice based on your own experience. I have learnt to let go and trust that I can do things I have never been able to do before (meditate). I will continue to try to meditate at home, use my voice to let people know what I need and be more concsious of my own emotional needs."
So today when I awoke I first chose to align myself with my spirit by sitting in front of a candle for the first 5 minutes of my day. It is there that I hear my essence, (my core). I had the intention take another baby step to eliminate the amount of stimulants I have in my diet.
I was grateful for my bag of lemons that Sonia, (one of the course participants) had brought for me on the last night...Infact I am grateful for all the resources that find their way to me...I know that luck is preparation meeting opportunity...
Are you going to commit to making some small change to create space, to value your life and realign with the power and light of your spirit? Do you have your own blueprint?
Pure Consciousness can and does help those who have a need to change their alignment and the quality of the energy with which they choose to live their life...Why not find out more today? YOU DESERVE IT!
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Change Your Consciousness - Change Your Reality...
Redefining Our Connection to Self
What is Pure Consciousness?
Essentially Pure Consciousness allows us to be in charge of our own healing process through focussing on the unique spiritual capacity of every human being to be in an alert non-judgemental attentiveness to one's thoughts, actions and feelings.
When we practice this mediative approach to life we discover the unchanging eternal centre of watchfulness - the centre which has the capacity to be creative and invent solutions to the challenges that we face. The same centre that allows us to become aware of the thoughts, feelings and actions which may be causing us to be in a state of unconscious stress or dissatisfaction which leads to a state of disconnectedness.
Ironically this disconnection will compell us to look for satisfaction and connection in a world of temporary external experiences and if left unchecked this underlying restlessness will encourage us to stay in a state of unbalance and excess, driving us to extremes inorder to numb our current reality...All of the tools of modern life ( eg. mobiles and text, computers - emails and Facebook) all can undermine our connection to what is real and if over utilized tend to replace real relationships and mirror the relationship you begin to have with yourself. Is your relationship with yourself similar to that on your Facebook Page...100 or so possible connections but nothing deeper than the images posted or casual one liners?
I define rich, not in the assets you own but in the relationships you have in this lifetime...Do they mirror your connection that you have with yourself? Can they weather conflict? Do they have enough depth to survive the storms that present in life? The most important relationship and the only one you can really rely upon and/or change, is the relationship you have with yourself. Self doubt is an insidious creation of the ego from which there can be little respite if you are too busy to go within...Fear is there to guide and protect you if you're willing to experience it. Every emotion, experience and person in your life is there to help you evolve. Each has it's purpose to define and refine the quality of your life and the filter with which you view it.
The Pure Consciousness Course- Meditation and You... facilitates spiritual insights and mindfulness techniques in a way that is fun and creative. The relaxation response actively heals and breaks the bondages of the mind and nurtures one's individuality and sense of equilibrium. The journey of self discovery is absolutely unique to each individual - whilst the core truths to be discovered are the same regardless of race, gender, class or religious upbringing. This course will allow you to relax, reflect, refine and refocus the lens with which you view your life.
Pure Consciousness is a tool for the modern times that helps you to tune into your compassion, heightened sensitivity, courage and individuality. It is not about denying the outer world and focussing only on the inner world - it is about BALANCE...Allowing yourself to enjoy the depth of connection, understandings and wisdom and bringing balance to a modern life that doesn't always provide the time and space for the type of healing we require.
Why not come to the INTRO NIGHT @ The CANNING RIVER ECO CENTRE to find out more?
Wednesday 11th and 18th of May from 7.30pm- 9pm.
Cost $20
Canning River Eco Centre - Cnr of Kent St and Queens Pk Rd Wilson (near Kent ST Weir)
- opposite side of Albany Highway
Essentially Pure Consciousness allows us to be in charge of our own healing process through focussing on the unique spiritual capacity of every human being to be in an alert non-judgemental attentiveness to one's thoughts, actions and feelings.
When we practice this mediative approach to life we discover the unchanging eternal centre of watchfulness - the centre which has the capacity to be creative and invent solutions to the challenges that we face. The same centre that allows us to become aware of the thoughts, feelings and actions which may be causing us to be in a state of unconscious stress or dissatisfaction which leads to a state of disconnectedness.
Ironically this disconnection will compell us to look for satisfaction and connection in a world of temporary external experiences and if left unchecked this underlying restlessness will encourage us to stay in a state of unbalance and excess, driving us to extremes inorder to numb our current reality...All of the tools of modern life ( eg. mobiles and text, computers - emails and Facebook) all can undermine our connection to what is real and if over utilized tend to replace real relationships and mirror the relationship you begin to have with yourself. Is your relationship with yourself similar to that on your Facebook Page...100 or so possible connections but nothing deeper than the images posted or casual one liners?
I define rich, not in the assets you own but in the relationships you have in this lifetime...Do they mirror your connection that you have with yourself? Can they weather conflict? Do they have enough depth to survive the storms that present in life? The most important relationship and the only one you can really rely upon and/or change, is the relationship you have with yourself. Self doubt is an insidious creation of the ego from which there can be little respite if you are too busy to go within...Fear is there to guide and protect you if you're willing to experience it. Every emotion, experience and person in your life is there to help you evolve. Each has it's purpose to define and refine the quality of your life and the filter with which you view it.
The Pure Consciousness Course- Meditation and You... facilitates spiritual insights and mindfulness techniques in a way that is fun and creative. The relaxation response actively heals and breaks the bondages of the mind and nurtures one's individuality and sense of equilibrium. The journey of self discovery is absolutely unique to each individual - whilst the core truths to be discovered are the same regardless of race, gender, class or religious upbringing. This course will allow you to relax, reflect, refine and refocus the lens with which you view your life.
Pure Consciousness is a tool for the modern times that helps you to tune into your compassion, heightened sensitivity, courage and individuality. It is not about denying the outer world and focussing only on the inner world - it is about BALANCE...Allowing yourself to enjoy the depth of connection, understandings and wisdom and bringing balance to a modern life that doesn't always provide the time and space for the type of healing we require.
Why not come to the INTRO NIGHT @ The CANNING RIVER ECO CENTRE to find out more?
Wednesday 11th and 18th of May from 7.30pm- 9pm.
Cost $20
Canning River Eco Centre - Cnr of Kent St and Queens Pk Rd Wilson (near Kent ST Weir)
- opposite side of Albany Highway
"I can handle things differently and at times better than before. I can stop and put things in a different perspective, by seeing what is a higher value to me and my family. Learning ways to meditate was amazing." Maria Pizzuto - Office Administration
( Canningvale)
" I can look forward with a heightened sense of trust in myself and my beliefs. I found the relaxation methods and meditation methods particularly useful."
Karen Young -Teacher (Ardross)
" I have learnt that from meditation I can view my life in a more peaceful way. I can choose to meditate and trust the decisions I make are the right ones at the right time" Helen Friesner - Home Duties ( Bullcreek)
" I measure my progress by my state of relaxation and ability to sleep better. The changes I have observed relate to my ability to observe my surroundings while everything around me is busy. I found the most beneficial experience as a result of attending 6 meditations, is my ability to not get flustered in my daily goings." Ravi Subramaniam ( Engineer) - Palmyra
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Balance...Boredom and Popular Culture....
In today's world of "Extreme Makeovers" it seems that lifestyle is everything but it's your ability to take life to the extreme that gives you cudos... The young and trendy not so young seem to treat having an addiction to exercise, retail therapy, computer games, their mobile phone, a brand name or a hobby as a good or trendy thing to have..How often have you heard the term "I'm addicted to..." bandied around in light conversation...and whilst used as an attention getter...just continues to promote the illusion that going above and beyond for physical gratification is so okay...Pharmaceutical companies are getting wealthier and wealthier on the inventions of their next quick fix...regardless of the impact on society at large...
For example we face epidemic levels of attachement to prescription drugs and their use, is seen as normal...Infact any performance enhancers are no longer discretely discussed...they are advertised as yet another quick fix to your problems...Did you know that the largest prescribed drug for women in Australia, in the last five years has gone from the pill to anti-depressants?...Is there any wonder we find it difficult to balance our wants and needs... when the causes are not treated...only the symtopms...
This perpetuates an insatiable adrenalin enhanced lifestyle...which just makes you run a little harder on the "had to be there" treadmill. We are so focussed on the highs that the inevitable accompanying lows keep us on the hyped up roller coaster of the busy modern world and inevitably numb our senses and lead us to exhaustion at the end of the day/week/month.
Tell tale signs that you are running on adrenalin and living an addictive lifestyle is that you need to control everything, find it difficult to do nothing and making unrealistic to do lists for the day...or that you think if only I had_____________ I'd be happy.
Values account for much of how time is spent by any individual and your own personal definition of "making it" and "success"..."Life is short so play hard or go home..."is the motto for many...However if you have lost your passion for what you have always done and all that used to bring you pleasure no longer does...It is time to stop, relax, reassess and learn something new.
Creating balance need not be boring.
True inspiration knows the challenges and opportunity costs but allows you to empower yourself regardless...If you somehow feel like you're missing a bigger picture..perhaps you are looking in the wrong places?
If you dwell in the past or the future - one used to exist but no longer does and the other has even started yet...Doing something because you are addicted...means the ego is involved...and that means what you think of me is more important than what I think of myself...Doing something because you love it on the other from you inspiration, your true purpose and path...
What happens when the lines are blurred????When something you are addicted also something you love? You need to reframe...Are you in someway avoiding feeling pain? Are you unable to stop thinking, thinking and more thinking...
If you are finding more ways to gain more speed then you may have the belief that life is running out...Your Ego gives you a identity in society and your physcial senses will never be able to be fill the void if you remain satisfied with it.
The lows are there to alert you to the fact that you are alive and there is some authentic growth to be done. Life is full of endings and beginnings. Letting go and trusting that you are always in the right place at the right time, can be difficult when we face extreme loss, grief, or change...However we learn the most from these times if we are open to feeling the difficult feelings that are there. Anger can be clarifying - all feelings are ok. That it is to be's how we act as a result of them that is the clue.
Everything in moderation is the wise old saying. Balance needn't be boring.
Making sense of our world occurs when we choose to relax. If we have to go on endlessly achieving - we will not know the gifts of the environment we are in. Every heart, every experience comes to teach us...even if it is only what we don't want. Happiness is purely relative to how we make sense of the bigger picture... After all, we who live in the Western World, live in the top 5% of the world's population...all our physcial needs of food, shelter and clothing are met relatively well next to the other 95%.
Being relaxed and at home in your own heart all depends on your perspective and ability to make sense of the challenges that come your way. You are the light within, not the lamp but the flame. The more you love this comfortable space within, the less need you will have to be addicted to anything external...prescribed or not, legal or not...Our generation has alot to be accountable for and the way in which we use language and normalize certain behaviours in the midst of being youthful and cool, fun and carefree. The next time you admit that you are addicted to something...ask yourself if you can rephrase it by saying..."I really love....." It all starts with a thought...True freedom comes from balance and being totally in the present. Being addicted means that short term pleasures are going to lead to long term pain. If you are ready to go deeper, to change the patterns of behaviour and to find space to rejuvenate, meditation can help.
Pure Consciousness Meditations assist to find that space within.
To find out more please come to an Intro Night or contact Sorelle.
Mobile: 0414 354313
For example we face epidemic levels of attachement to prescription drugs and their use, is seen as normal...Infact any performance enhancers are no longer discretely discussed...they are advertised as yet another quick fix to your problems...Did you know that the largest prescribed drug for women in Australia, in the last five years has gone from the pill to anti-depressants?...Is there any wonder we find it difficult to balance our wants and needs... when the causes are not treated...only the symtopms...
This perpetuates an insatiable adrenalin enhanced lifestyle...which just makes you run a little harder on the "had to be there" treadmill. We are so focussed on the highs that the inevitable accompanying lows keep us on the hyped up roller coaster of the busy modern world and inevitably numb our senses and lead us to exhaustion at the end of the day/week/month.
Tell tale signs that you are running on adrenalin and living an addictive lifestyle is that you need to control everything, find it difficult to do nothing and making unrealistic to do lists for the day...or that you think if only I had_____________ I'd be happy.
Values account for much of how time is spent by any individual and your own personal definition of "making it" and "success"..."Life is short so play hard or go home..."is the motto for many...However if you have lost your passion for what you have always done and all that used to bring you pleasure no longer does...It is time to stop, relax, reassess and learn something new.
Creating balance need not be boring.
True inspiration knows the challenges and opportunity costs but allows you to empower yourself regardless...If you somehow feel like you're missing a bigger picture..perhaps you are looking in the wrong places?
If you dwell in the past or the future - one used to exist but no longer does and the other has even started yet...Doing something because you are addicted...means the ego is involved...and that means what you think of me is more important than what I think of myself...Doing something because you love it on the other from you inspiration, your true purpose and path...
What happens when the lines are blurred????When something you are addicted also something you love? You need to reframe...Are you in someway avoiding feeling pain? Are you unable to stop thinking, thinking and more thinking...
If you are finding more ways to gain more speed then you may have the belief that life is running out...Your Ego gives you a identity in society and your physcial senses will never be able to be fill the void if you remain satisfied with it.
The lows are there to alert you to the fact that you are alive and there is some authentic growth to be done. Life is full of endings and beginnings. Letting go and trusting that you are always in the right place at the right time, can be difficult when we face extreme loss, grief, or change...However we learn the most from these times if we are open to feeling the difficult feelings that are there. Anger can be clarifying - all feelings are ok. That it is to be's how we act as a result of them that is the clue.
Everything in moderation is the wise old saying. Balance needn't be boring.
Making sense of our world occurs when we choose to relax. If we have to go on endlessly achieving - we will not know the gifts of the environment we are in. Every heart, every experience comes to teach us...even if it is only what we don't want. Happiness is purely relative to how we make sense of the bigger picture... After all, we who live in the Western World, live in the top 5% of the world's population...all our physcial needs of food, shelter and clothing are met relatively well next to the other 95%.
Being relaxed and at home in your own heart all depends on your perspective and ability to make sense of the challenges that come your way. You are the light within, not the lamp but the flame. The more you love this comfortable space within, the less need you will have to be addicted to anything external...prescribed or not, legal or not...Our generation has alot to be accountable for and the way in which we use language and normalize certain behaviours in the midst of being youthful and cool, fun and carefree. The next time you admit that you are addicted to something...ask yourself if you can rephrase it by saying..."I really love....." It all starts with a thought...True freedom comes from balance and being totally in the present. Being addicted means that short term pleasures are going to lead to long term pain. If you are ready to go deeper, to change the patterns of behaviour and to find space to rejuvenate, meditation can help.
Pure Consciousness Meditations assist to find that space within.
To find out more please come to an Intro Night or contact Sorelle.
Mobile: 0414 354313
Friday, May 6, 2011
Loving the Mystery
Welcoming the void is difficult at's when suddenly all that has worked for you in the past...seems to disappear in a puff of smoke...You can continue to think Why Me?...Why Now?...Why This? Or you can graciously accept that now you are in the realm of INFINITE POSSIBILITY...
Stepping up is scary but it's so good to know what you don't want...
Are you fearing being alone or stepping up to being accountable for all the freedom you have to make choices today that will lead you closer to peace and acceptance?
Today I choose my path...I take responsibility for my words and I take the baby steps towards living from the path of my heart. I accept each new second is my chance to choose my focus. I stay true to the simple creed of treating others the way I want to be treated. I stay flexible to acknowledge my preferences, my dreams and my vision and know that anything that appears unexpectedly is a new path of my immortal heart waiting to unfold.
I rest, relax and TRUST that all is happening in the right time and place and by focusing on what I have already achieved, I allow it to unfold gracefully. Sitting still with this knowledge is really powerful.
Meditation is not about denying the thoughts that cross our minds but merely finding the wordless gap between them. The only map contained in this mystery called life is within the wordless guidance of your heart. Be open to the mystery of life and don't be afraid to focus your attention to be your own light in the dark. Fears exist to guide and protect us, as long as we aim for balance in our lives.
When you fight, resist or deny what fight with yourself and no one wins...
The light of your soul knows where you have been and where you are destined to travel should you choose to trust the process of life...
Meditation helps to enhance that light and create a healthy balance in your life.
Casual Sessions begin Saturday the 11th of June - July 2nd 2011 (4 weeks only)
@ The Canning River Eco Centre
(cnr of Kent St and Queens Park Rd)
COST $30
Stepping up is scary but it's so good to know what you don't want...
Are you fearing being alone or stepping up to being accountable for all the freedom you have to make choices today that will lead you closer to peace and acceptance?
Today I choose my path...I take responsibility for my words and I take the baby steps towards living from the path of my heart. I accept each new second is my chance to choose my focus. I stay true to the simple creed of treating others the way I want to be treated. I stay flexible to acknowledge my preferences, my dreams and my vision and know that anything that appears unexpectedly is a new path of my immortal heart waiting to unfold.
I rest, relax and TRUST that all is happening in the right time and place and by focusing on what I have already achieved, I allow it to unfold gracefully. Sitting still with this knowledge is really powerful.
Meditation is not about denying the thoughts that cross our minds but merely finding the wordless gap between them. The only map contained in this mystery called life is within the wordless guidance of your heart. Be open to the mystery of life and don't be afraid to focus your attention to be your own light in the dark. Fears exist to guide and protect us, as long as we aim for balance in our lives.
When you fight, resist or deny what fight with yourself and no one wins...
The light of your soul knows where you have been and where you are destined to travel should you choose to trust the process of life...
Meditation helps to enhance that light and create a healthy balance in your life.
Casual Sessions begin Saturday the 11th of June - July 2nd 2011 (4 weeks only)
@ The Canning River Eco Centre
(cnr of Kent St and Queens Park Rd)
COST $30
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Contentment vs Complacency vs Confinement? The Legacy Issue for Moving Forward.
It never ceases to amaze me how quickly we as individuals in our society will update our mobile phone or television, service our car or our bicycle, get that new gadget that will supposedly make our life a little easier but not think to maintain, upgrade, service or even choose to investigate the quality of our belief systems.
The quality of our lives is dependant on many external factors - our relationships,our physical health, the ability to provide food, shelter and education, our ability to travel and create new experiences. However the single most influencing factor is our ability to look within, elevate our perspective and make the most of the challenges that have been dealt to us.
In business, much capital is spent on upgrading information and communication systems at regular periods to ensure that the business will be able to grow in the future. Time and capitial is required to reflect, refocus and reframe the intentional growth for the future of the organization. This practice is common and widespread and is called "The Legacy Issue" when existing technology requires upgrading. The current voids of the hardware and software systems are assessed to promote future values of the company. The options often presented are either to retire existing systems, and increase spending and refurbish or maintain and upgrade to prevent the internal structures of the company from becoming outdated or obsolete. The challenge is to prevent existing systems confining or limiting growth in the future.
This practice is expensive, requires planning and reflection, taking risks and investigating methods of best practice.
With the individual, when it comes to investment in the latest technology a similar process is undertaken. Often one becomes inspired by whats available and will search for the tool that best meets their needs and then some. How many of us can actually use all of the functions on our television, fridge, mobile phone or camera?
However when it comes to utilzing the power of our hearts, mind an/or brain...many differing attitudes present. Our beliefs determine our focus. If we do not intend to grow, improve, adapt and change to the circumstances in our lives, if we believe we know it all...growth is not possible.
We get what we focus on. If we are not prepared to reflect, understand our voids and values, create space in our minds and hearts for something can we stop repeating old familiar patterns?
The ability to respond rather than react is developed and dependant largely on the neural network in our brains that fire simultaneously in a stressful situation. The more aware we are of our ability to monitor our self talk, our focus, our bodily sensations and the level of emotion to which we react or respond to a challenging situation...the more chance we have of observing our physical and mental state, rather than becoming that emotion in times of challenge and stress.
Our capacity to respond emotionally is often taken as a given in situations...not as something that requires maintenance or work. We will often revert to coping strategies that we have seen modelled in our environments or actions that allow us to avoid feeling any pain.
You cannot truly change your reality if you do not change the consciousness that created it...This is not dependant on where you live, what brand labels you can afford or how famous you are...This is totally dependant on how much peace and love you have in your life...and how much you intend to create.
If your belief systems are constantly avoiding pain and seeking pleasure, if you cannot find a work life balance, if you are unhappy within your current circumstance and are needing to numb life inorder to cope with it....then the signs are there for you to create change that is healthy and meaningful...
We will easily spend money on something that will make us look good like our hair or our nails, a new suit, a new house or a new car. However how many of us will commit to something that will create authentic long lasting change, that will help us go beyond what we think we know is true, that will help us shift out of a comfort zone...that is not particularly comfortable?
You don't need to spend alot of money to create these changes...The best help is self help! It is amazing how when you set the intention to the right resource appears at the right time...
What you do need is to reflect on what is working and not working in your life...and also think about where you want to be in the next 5 years...Are you intending to grow, change, adapt and become more resilient? Do you want to love your life a little bit more...or alot more than you do now?
Your life is only limited by the questions you DO NOT ask yourself...If there are signs of complacency or being confined...perhaps it's time to do something different to what you have always done.
Experience is stronger than belief...Meditation opens windows of our minds that can help us see how past adaptations and beliefs, restrict current relationships. It allows us to create space between the thousands of thoughts we have in a day. It helps intergrate the left and right brain and creates tools of observation, compassion and silence in a way that we may not be familiar with. It helps promote flexibility and freedom as we become more able to direct our feelings and thoughts rather than be driven by them. We get to sense a bigger picture.
Siegal (2010) states that neuroscientists have found that mental and emotional changes that we can create through the development of meditative practices actually result in changes in the physical brain. He states in his book " Mindsight The New Science of Personal Transformation" that the scientific reality is that we need experiences to develop this essential human capacity.
However the first step is to acknowledge your current voids and be open to creating change.When we are honest and accept where we are at, it is much easier to take the baby steps to move forward.
If you think of the body and the brain as your physical hardware and your thoughts and beliefs as the software that drives you... What's your Legacy Issue?
If you want to take steps to change your reality and create more heartfelt relaxation, space and peace within....why not think of learning something new...become an expert on your greatest asset...It takes practice to change old habits and time to investigate our greatest assets - our mind, our spirit and the wisest tool of all, our body...
The exciting news is that it is possible. When time, effort and practice is put into creating space and practising the Pure Consciousness methods of mediation, transformation is possible. The good news is that you do not have to do it on your own and it is affordable especially if compared to the money spent on cars, phones, make up, clothes, hair appointments, nails etc...
Pure Consciousness is a spiritually motivated endeavour that facilitates your own creative power to guide your own lives. The mission is to create balance and connect individuals to their own creativity and intuition by the teaching different meditation and mindsight techniques.
It is non-denominational and designed to accelerate authentic change and growth in your life.
The Mediation and You course introduces you to many tools that support the meditative process and your journey of self discovery to creating the life that you really want to have.
Don't you deserve to address your own Legacy Issue and if not now, when?
With love and light,
Pure Consciousness Intro Nights - Cost $20
will be held @ The Canning River Eco Centre
Wednesday Nights on the 11th and 18th of May from 7.30pm-9pm
Why not sample the Relaxation for Meditation Process and create real change in your life?
The quality of our lives is dependant on many external factors - our relationships,our physical health, the ability to provide food, shelter and education, our ability to travel and create new experiences. However the single most influencing factor is our ability to look within, elevate our perspective and make the most of the challenges that have been dealt to us.
In business, much capital is spent on upgrading information and communication systems at regular periods to ensure that the business will be able to grow in the future. Time and capitial is required to reflect, refocus and reframe the intentional growth for the future of the organization. This practice is common and widespread and is called "The Legacy Issue" when existing technology requires upgrading. The current voids of the hardware and software systems are assessed to promote future values of the company. The options often presented are either to retire existing systems, and increase spending and refurbish or maintain and upgrade to prevent the internal structures of the company from becoming outdated or obsolete. The challenge is to prevent existing systems confining or limiting growth in the future.
This practice is expensive, requires planning and reflection, taking risks and investigating methods of best practice.
With the individual, when it comes to investment in the latest technology a similar process is undertaken. Often one becomes inspired by whats available and will search for the tool that best meets their needs and then some. How many of us can actually use all of the functions on our television, fridge, mobile phone or camera?
However when it comes to utilzing the power of our hearts, mind an/or brain...many differing attitudes present. Our beliefs determine our focus. If we do not intend to grow, improve, adapt and change to the circumstances in our lives, if we believe we know it all...growth is not possible.
We get what we focus on. If we are not prepared to reflect, understand our voids and values, create space in our minds and hearts for something can we stop repeating old familiar patterns?
The ability to respond rather than react is developed and dependant largely on the neural network in our brains that fire simultaneously in a stressful situation. The more aware we are of our ability to monitor our self talk, our focus, our bodily sensations and the level of emotion to which we react or respond to a challenging situation...the more chance we have of observing our physical and mental state, rather than becoming that emotion in times of challenge and stress.
Our capacity to respond emotionally is often taken as a given in situations...not as something that requires maintenance or work. We will often revert to coping strategies that we have seen modelled in our environments or actions that allow us to avoid feeling any pain.
You cannot truly change your reality if you do not change the consciousness that created it...This is not dependant on where you live, what brand labels you can afford or how famous you are...This is totally dependant on how much peace and love you have in your life...and how much you intend to create.
If your belief systems are constantly avoiding pain and seeking pleasure, if you cannot find a work life balance, if you are unhappy within your current circumstance and are needing to numb life inorder to cope with it....then the signs are there for you to create change that is healthy and meaningful...
We will easily spend money on something that will make us look good like our hair or our nails, a new suit, a new house or a new car. However how many of us will commit to something that will create authentic long lasting change, that will help us go beyond what we think we know is true, that will help us shift out of a comfort zone...that is not particularly comfortable?
You don't need to spend alot of money to create these changes...The best help is self help! It is amazing how when you set the intention to the right resource appears at the right time...
What you do need is to reflect on what is working and not working in your life...and also think about where you want to be in the next 5 years...Are you intending to grow, change, adapt and become more resilient? Do you want to love your life a little bit more...or alot more than you do now?
Your life is only limited by the questions you DO NOT ask yourself...If there are signs of complacency or being confined...perhaps it's time to do something different to what you have always done.
Experience is stronger than belief...Meditation opens windows of our minds that can help us see how past adaptations and beliefs, restrict current relationships. It allows us to create space between the thousands of thoughts we have in a day. It helps intergrate the left and right brain and creates tools of observation, compassion and silence in a way that we may not be familiar with. It helps promote flexibility and freedom as we become more able to direct our feelings and thoughts rather than be driven by them. We get to sense a bigger picture.
Siegal (2010) states that neuroscientists have found that mental and emotional changes that we can create through the development of meditative practices actually result in changes in the physical brain. He states in his book " Mindsight The New Science of Personal Transformation" that the scientific reality is that we need experiences to develop this essential human capacity.
However the first step is to acknowledge your current voids and be open to creating change.When we are honest and accept where we are at, it is much easier to take the baby steps to move forward.
If you think of the body and the brain as your physical hardware and your thoughts and beliefs as the software that drives you... What's your Legacy Issue?
If you want to take steps to change your reality and create more heartfelt relaxation, space and peace within....why not think of learning something new...become an expert on your greatest asset...It takes practice to change old habits and time to investigate our greatest assets - our mind, our spirit and the wisest tool of all, our body...
The exciting news is that it is possible. When time, effort and practice is put into creating space and practising the Pure Consciousness methods of mediation, transformation is possible. The good news is that you do not have to do it on your own and it is affordable especially if compared to the money spent on cars, phones, make up, clothes, hair appointments, nails etc...
Pure Consciousness is a spiritually motivated endeavour that facilitates your own creative power to guide your own lives. The mission is to create balance and connect individuals to their own creativity and intuition by the teaching different meditation and mindsight techniques.
It is non-denominational and designed to accelerate authentic change and growth in your life.
The Mediation and You course introduces you to many tools that support the meditative process and your journey of self discovery to creating the life that you really want to have.
Don't you deserve to address your own Legacy Issue and if not now, when?
With love and light,
Pure Consciousness Intro Nights - Cost $20
will be held @ The Canning River Eco Centre
Wednesday Nights on the 11th and 18th of May from 7.30pm-9pm
Why not sample the Relaxation for Meditation Process and create real change in your life?
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Renewing our Strength by Realizing our Core
The core of mother earth has much to teach us. Inside earths core, molten liquid and gas bubble and boil continually transitioning it's energy force. Every now and again it surfaces through the faultlines to shake up the earths surface and it's inhabitant's...beckoning us to realize what is real and authentic.
The magnificent display of mother nature's inherent power has manifested in the last few days. The transfer effect on the physical form of the outside world has humbled man to once again realize that this earth does not belong to us. Our life forms are temporary and that the energy of love and compassion...creates a true state in which real healing can occur.
Energy continually transforms but why is it, that looking feared and often thought of as opening a "Pandora's Box"...Every positive has it's negative and every negative has it's positive. This world has so much knowledge but true wisdom is being able to see the positives in a negative situation.
The events of 2011 are showing us that the earth has gone through many changes over billions of years...and it will continue to change we speed up the pace and activities in our lives.
There are many very rich metals and crystals formed as a result of these natural processes that have occured on the earth's surface since the beginning of time...and with the death of the old comes the seeds of the new.
Looking within can also be thought of as prospecting for the gold, silver and host of other precious metals, that once mined elevates us to see new perspectives on old wrongs...and letting go of that which is no longer of use.
The only true riches that we have, are on the inside. Peace, love, strength and security truly come from deep within. Greed runs rampant when we believe we need more resources than what is necessary to sustain a meaningful life. Mother nature has a way of putting this all back into perspective.
The richness of these feelings can be keenly observed in those villages that have the least....but who will always offer you a bite to eat or a bed to sleep on. In Northern Thailand, the villagers will always ask " Have you eaten yet?" Love, trust, kindness and compassion...seem to be far more prevalent in tribal settings that have the least to share but will always give you the most expensive resource there is...that being "time".
Pure Consciousness Meditation for Relaxation gives you a glimpse of the beauty of realizing your core. It provides safe, non denominational, guided processes to sense the beauty and wisdom of your heart and soul when you are open to letting go of the chatter of your mind.
Don't be afraid of that Pandora's Box as love and fear cannot exist in the same place.
In doing so you are denying yourself the opportunity to get below the surface of your temporary exterior world and discover the richness and boundlessness beyond time, space and ego of true life sustaining energy.
If you are interested in finding out more:
Please join us for Pure Consciousness Intro Nights
@The Canning River Eco Centre (Cnr of Kent St and Queens Pk Rd Wilson)
on the 11th and 18th of May 7.30pm - 9pm
Cost $20
Wear comfy clothes and bring a pillow
The magnificent display of mother nature's inherent power has manifested in the last few days. The transfer effect on the physical form of the outside world has humbled man to once again realize that this earth does not belong to us. Our life forms are temporary and that the energy of love and compassion...creates a true state in which real healing can occur.
Energy continually transforms but why is it, that looking feared and often thought of as opening a "Pandora's Box"...Every positive has it's negative and every negative has it's positive. This world has so much knowledge but true wisdom is being able to see the positives in a negative situation.
The events of 2011 are showing us that the earth has gone through many changes over billions of years...and it will continue to change we speed up the pace and activities in our lives.
There are many very rich metals and crystals formed as a result of these natural processes that have occured on the earth's surface since the beginning of time...and with the death of the old comes the seeds of the new.
Looking within can also be thought of as prospecting for the gold, silver and host of other precious metals, that once mined elevates us to see new perspectives on old wrongs...and letting go of that which is no longer of use.
The only true riches that we have, are on the inside. Peace, love, strength and security truly come from deep within. Greed runs rampant when we believe we need more resources than what is necessary to sustain a meaningful life. Mother nature has a way of putting this all back into perspective.
The richness of these feelings can be keenly observed in those villages that have the least....but who will always offer you a bite to eat or a bed to sleep on. In Northern Thailand, the villagers will always ask " Have you eaten yet?" Love, trust, kindness and compassion...seem to be far more prevalent in tribal settings that have the least to share but will always give you the most expensive resource there is...that being "time".
Pure Consciousness Meditation for Relaxation gives you a glimpse of the beauty of realizing your core. It provides safe, non denominational, guided processes to sense the beauty and wisdom of your heart and soul when you are open to letting go of the chatter of your mind.
Don't be afraid of that Pandora's Box as love and fear cannot exist in the same place.
In doing so you are denying yourself the opportunity to get below the surface of your temporary exterior world and discover the richness and boundlessness beyond time, space and ego of true life sustaining energy.
If you are interested in finding out more:
Please join us for Pure Consciousness Intro Nights
@The Canning River Eco Centre (Cnr of Kent St and Queens Pk Rd Wilson)
on the 11th and 18th of May 7.30pm - 9pm
Cost $20
Wear comfy clothes and bring a pillow
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Redefining Our Connection to Self
What is Pure Consciousness? Essentially Pure Consciousness allows us to be in charge of our own healing process through focusing on the unique spiritual capacity of every human being to be in an alert non- judgemental attentiveness to one's thoughts, actions and feelings.
When we practice this meditative approach to life we discover the unchanging eternal center of watchfulness - the center which has the capacity to be creative and invent solutions to the challenges that we face. The same center that allows us to become aware of the thoughts, feelings and actions which may be causing us to be in a state of unconscious stress or dissatisfaction which leads to a state of disconnectedness.
Ironically this disconnection will compel us to look for satisfaction and connection in a world of temporary external experiences and if left unchecked this underlying restlessness will encourage us to stay in a state of unbalance and excess, driving us to extremes in order to numb our current reality...All of the tools of modern life ( eg. mobiles and text, computers - emails and Facebook) all can undermine our connection to what is real and if over utilized tend to replace real relationships and mirror the relationship you begin to have with yourself. Is your relationship with yourself similar to that on your Facebook Page...100 or so possible connections but nothing deeper than the images posted or casual one liners?
I define rich, not in the assets you own but in the relationships you have in this lifetime...Do they mirror your connection that you have with yourself? Can they weather conflict? Do they have enough depth to survive the storms that present in life? The most important relationship and the only one you can really rely upon and/or change, is the relationship you have with yourself. Self doubt is an insidious creation of the ego from which there can be little respite if you are too busy to go within...Fear is there to guide and protect you if you're willing to experience it. Every emotion, experience and person in your life is there to help you evolve. Each has it's purpose to define and refine the quality of your life and the filter with which you view it.
The Pure Consciousness Course- Meditation and You... facilitates spiritual insights and mindfulness techniques in a way that is fun and creative. The relaxation response actively heals and breaks the bondages of the mind and nurtures one's individuality and sense of equilibrium. The journey of self discovery is absolutely unique to each individual - whilst the core truths to be discovered are the same regardless of race, gender, class or religious upbringing. This course will allow you to relax, reflect, refine and refocus the lens with which you view your life.
Pure Consciousness is a tool for the modern times that helps you to tune into your compassion, heightened sensitivity, courage and individuality. It is not about denying the outer world and focussing only on the inner world - it is about BALANCE...Allowing yourself to enjoy the depth of connection, understandings and wisdom and bringing balance to a modern life that doesn't always provide the time and space for the type of healing we require.
"I can handle things differently and at times better than before. I can stop and put things in a different perspective, by seeing what is a higher value to me and my family. Learning ways to meditate was amazing." Maria Pizzuto - Office Administration
( Canningvale)
" I can look forward with a heightened sense of trust in myself and my beliefs. I found the relaxation methods and meditation methods particularly useful."
Karen Young -Teacher (Ardross)
" I have learnt that from meditation I can view my life in a more peaceful way. I can choose to meditate and trust the decisions I make are the right ones at the right time" Helen Friesner - Home Duties ( Bullcreek)
" I measure my progress by my state of relaxation and ability to sleep better. The changes I have observed relate to my ability to observe my surroundings while everything around me is busy. I found the most beneficial experience as a result of attending 6 meditations, is my ability to not get flustered in my daily goings." Ravi Subramaniam ( Engineer) - Palmyra
When we practice this meditative approach to life we discover the unchanging eternal center of watchfulness - the center which has the capacity to be creative and invent solutions to the challenges that we face. The same center that allows us to become aware of the thoughts, feelings and actions which may be causing us to be in a state of unconscious stress or dissatisfaction which leads to a state of disconnectedness.
Ironically this disconnection will compel us to look for satisfaction and connection in a world of temporary external experiences and if left unchecked this underlying restlessness will encourage us to stay in a state of unbalance and excess, driving us to extremes in order to numb our current reality...All of the tools of modern life ( eg. mobiles and text, computers - emails and Facebook) all can undermine our connection to what is real and if over utilized tend to replace real relationships and mirror the relationship you begin to have with yourself. Is your relationship with yourself similar to that on your Facebook Page...100 or so possible connections but nothing deeper than the images posted or casual one liners?
I define rich, not in the assets you own but in the relationships you have in this lifetime...Do they mirror your connection that you have with yourself? Can they weather conflict? Do they have enough depth to survive the storms that present in life? The most important relationship and the only one you can really rely upon and/or change, is the relationship you have with yourself. Self doubt is an insidious creation of the ego from which there can be little respite if you are too busy to go within...Fear is there to guide and protect you if you're willing to experience it. Every emotion, experience and person in your life is there to help you evolve. Each has it's purpose to define and refine the quality of your life and the filter with which you view it.
The Pure Consciousness Course- Meditation and You... facilitates spiritual insights and mindfulness techniques in a way that is fun and creative. The relaxation response actively heals and breaks the bondages of the mind and nurtures one's individuality and sense of equilibrium. The journey of self discovery is absolutely unique to each individual - whilst the core truths to be discovered are the same regardless of race, gender, class or religious upbringing. This course will allow you to relax, reflect, refine and refocus the lens with which you view your life.
Pure Consciousness is a tool for the modern times that helps you to tune into your compassion, heightened sensitivity, courage and individuality. It is not about denying the outer world and focussing only on the inner world - it is about BALANCE...Allowing yourself to enjoy the depth of connection, understandings and wisdom and bringing balance to a modern life that doesn't always provide the time and space for the type of healing we require.
"I can handle things differently and at times better than before. I can stop and put things in a different perspective, by seeing what is a higher value to me and my family. Learning ways to meditate was amazing." Maria Pizzuto - Office Administration
( Canningvale)
" I can look forward with a heightened sense of trust in myself and my beliefs. I found the relaxation methods and meditation methods particularly useful."
Karen Young -Teacher (Ardross)
" I have learnt that from meditation I can view my life in a more peaceful way. I can choose to meditate and trust the decisions I make are the right ones at the right time" Helen Friesner - Home Duties ( Bullcreek)
" I measure my progress by my state of relaxation and ability to sleep better. The changes I have observed relate to my ability to observe my surroundings while everything around me is busy. I found the most beneficial experience as a result of attending 6 meditations, is my ability to not get flustered in my daily goings." Ravi Subramaniam ( Engineer) - Palmyra
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
What To Do When The Floodbanks Burst?
Modern lifestyles don't often allow the time and respite for the type of healing we require and the intensity of modern life speeds up the reactions of the mind/ body and spirit. Past conditioning and coping methods will determine how you resolve your thoughts and feelings, which in turn determine how you deal with your circumstances. When the tools in your box are no longer of use, you need to invest in new tools...
The flooding of the river basins on the East Coast of Australia are a great reminder how nature is a great equalizer. Emotion is like water, it needs to flow. However, like nature there are times in life when the rain continues to delude and emotion threatens to overwhelm our perception of change and circumstance.
This time last year, my river banks burst. Unfortunately, my husband passed away suddenly at age43 in March 2009. I had coped to the best of my ability and did everything in my power to stay buoyant and not be carried away by the waves of grief and sadness in the months that followed. However, in January 2010, life seemed empty, hollow and barren. Physically I was drained, emotionally I was conscious that I needed to feel my feelings in order to move forward and every fibre of my being told me that staying the same was too painful...
I knew that life was about "living fully" and "loving fully" which we had done with a passion. Even through his darkest hours, we chose to rise to the challenges of coping with extreme physical, mental and emotional pain and do what was needed to be done in order to create the best family life I could for our children.
Although when it came to "letting go fully" I was full of fear. The 'how' was unknown and invisible...I didn't know how I would survive. All I knew was why I needed to change and that was if I didn't stop to feel the emotion, it, like the swollen river banks would eventually overflow and overwhelm me.
So when my riverbanks burst last year and I really just wanted to jump off a cliff with my babes after Christmas and put an end to the dark mass of fear that was paralysing every second of every second hour, I decided I needed to focus on strategies that allowed time for my innerworld and reshape my outerworld to suit my needs. This took courage as the immediate response is to make decisions on the run...However I knew I needed to stop running. Being so, so busy meant that the sandbanks were no longer holding back the waters and I needed to reach for higher ground. I had always utilized meditation but it was in this time that it became particularly useful. To stop thinking and take a breath, really helped me move through that really dark space. I went into priority management mode...and realized through Craig's experience that running on adrenalin was no longer an option.
In my heart of hearts I knew we always have choices.
My intuition was screaming to me that I needed to slow down, rest in the void and that danger lurked in unexpected places if I returned to being busy out of fear. Babysteps were all that were required, I could not shift the mass of grief that had amounted over the last 3 years in one hit. The experiences that I had coped with were life changing, so why not give myself permission to really change my life?
So much of my life was out of control. Yet I was being beckoned to live my life with reckless abandonment, to the absolute fullest and with passion. Passion which was buried under grief.
I knew the first step was to trust myself. I had to trust that I had all the resources to create what I wanted in the short and long term.I had to step back and feel the deepest darkest recesses of my heart and if I was thinking about it, I was not truly allowing myself to feel. Stepping into this void was tough.
Meditation allowed me to reach that higher ground and gain perspective. I knew that I couldn't solve my problems by the same thinking that had created them. Meditation allowed me to relax and even if it was for the briefest moment, I connected with what I really wanted and believed that all things were possible. I trusted that my focus would create my reality and that I knew what was best for my girls and I. People could give me all the advice in the world but only I knew what truly resonated with my life's purpose. The way of life I had previously had not been working and I needed to change the underlying structures. I knew I had to focus on my truth. I had to accept where I was at before I had could see where I wanted to be. As dark and scary a place as that was at that time, it was merely my starting point.
It was at this point in time I used my will to:
-live in the moment.
-choose my focus carefully.
-stop focussing on the obstacles.
-trust my natural ability to connect to everything I wanted and needed.
-allow myself to listen to my intuition and go with the grieving nature of my heart, as this too would pass.
I would constantly give thanks ( and still do) for all that I had in this moment of time. This shifted my state from what was missing in my lfe, to the abundance that I did have all around me. I knew that the riches in my life weren't measured in possessions but in my relationships and these gave me faith that life was worth living.
One year on and I am also actively sharing these skills with others. The unknown now is welcomed and I have accepted the illusion of control, is just that ..." an illusion." The fear of what I didn't know, the fear of being in the void and the discomfort zone have been replaced with the certainty, that I would have been in greater pain, not giving myself this time and space and not trusting the wisdom that is in my heart. When you shift your state of mind outside your thoughts and feelings, you are guided by your natural ability and you trust it. You do know what's best for you, if you give yourself the time to stop. Everyone knows what they want, often they just don't believe they can have it.
You can create a life that feels good. You can lighten up.
When floodbanks burst, it is just a major sign from your heart that something big (some underlying structure in your life) needs to change. Remember whatever gets stuck in one emotional cycle, will only revisit you again, begging to be resolved at a later stage.
Life is a duality of positives and negatives, ups and downs. However each negative emotion can be the impetus for positive change. Surface changes to our outer world are relatively easy -as they can be bought. However changing feelings and thoughts that are constantly compensating for the notion that you are separate to what you want and creating balance in your innnerworld, is not as difficult as you might think. The rewards are also far more long term and enable you to manage change more effectively when things occur outside of your control.
Meditation is a practice that has been around for centuries. It is a tool that research demonstrates there are many benefits. There are now 84 000 documented ways to meditate. Pure Consciousness Mediation Nights are non-denominational and defy stereotyped connations of meditation. They are designed to create balance and allow you to relax so that you can connect to your intuition and follow the guidance of your own heart.
Pure Consciousness also now has an additional NEW service for people who are unable to make the time for Meditation classes or courses.
The EQUILIBRATION PROCESS - utilizes the interior sources of your painful emotions such as anger, jealousy and resentment and releases the negative charge from the thought process, to elevate your perspective. This process causes an immediate shift in your perceptions. The results are gained in only one session.
Why wait for something to burst? Why wait for the floodbanks to overflow? Why not try something new...Perhaps meditation could be the new tool you are looking for...
Intro Nights will be held @ The Canning River Eco Centre
- Wednesday 21st September @ 7.30-9.30pm...Cost $20
Don't you deserve to truly relax your thinking mind and allow your creativity and intution to prosper?
The flooding of the river basins on the East Coast of Australia are a great reminder how nature is a great equalizer. Emotion is like water, it needs to flow. However, like nature there are times in life when the rain continues to delude and emotion threatens to overwhelm our perception of change and circumstance.
This time last year, my river banks burst. Unfortunately, my husband passed away suddenly at age43 in March 2009. I had coped to the best of my ability and did everything in my power to stay buoyant and not be carried away by the waves of grief and sadness in the months that followed. However, in January 2010, life seemed empty, hollow and barren. Physically I was drained, emotionally I was conscious that I needed to feel my feelings in order to move forward and every fibre of my being told me that staying the same was too painful...
I knew that life was about "living fully" and "loving fully" which we had done with a passion. Even through his darkest hours, we chose to rise to the challenges of coping with extreme physical, mental and emotional pain and do what was needed to be done in order to create the best family life I could for our children.
Although when it came to "letting go fully" I was full of fear. The 'how' was unknown and invisible...I didn't know how I would survive. All I knew was why I needed to change and that was if I didn't stop to feel the emotion, it, like the swollen river banks would eventually overflow and overwhelm me.
So when my riverbanks burst last year and I really just wanted to jump off a cliff with my babes after Christmas and put an end to the dark mass of fear that was paralysing every second of every second hour, I decided I needed to focus on strategies that allowed time for my innerworld and reshape my outerworld to suit my needs. This took courage as the immediate response is to make decisions on the run...However I knew I needed to stop running. Being so, so busy meant that the sandbanks were no longer holding back the waters and I needed to reach for higher ground. I had always utilized meditation but it was in this time that it became particularly useful. To stop thinking and take a breath, really helped me move through that really dark space. I went into priority management mode...and realized through Craig's experience that running on adrenalin was no longer an option.
In my heart of hearts I knew we always have choices.
My intuition was screaming to me that I needed to slow down, rest in the void and that danger lurked in unexpected places if I returned to being busy out of fear. Babysteps were all that were required, I could not shift the mass of grief that had amounted over the last 3 years in one hit. The experiences that I had coped with were life changing, so why not give myself permission to really change my life?
So much of my life was out of control. Yet I was being beckoned to live my life with reckless abandonment, to the absolute fullest and with passion. Passion which was buried under grief.
I knew the first step was to trust myself. I had to trust that I had all the resources to create what I wanted in the short and long term.I had to step back and feel the deepest darkest recesses of my heart and if I was thinking about it, I was not truly allowing myself to feel. Stepping into this void was tough.
Meditation allowed me to reach that higher ground and gain perspective. I knew that I couldn't solve my problems by the same thinking that had created them. Meditation allowed me to relax and even if it was for the briefest moment, I connected with what I really wanted and believed that all things were possible. I trusted that my focus would create my reality and that I knew what was best for my girls and I. People could give me all the advice in the world but only I knew what truly resonated with my life's purpose. The way of life I had previously had not been working and I needed to change the underlying structures. I knew I had to focus on my truth. I had to accept where I was at before I had could see where I wanted to be. As dark and scary a place as that was at that time, it was merely my starting point.
It was at this point in time I used my will to:
-live in the moment.
-choose my focus carefully.
-stop focussing on the obstacles.
-trust my natural ability to connect to everything I wanted and needed.
-allow myself to listen to my intuition and go with the grieving nature of my heart, as this too would pass.
I would constantly give thanks ( and still do) for all that I had in this moment of time. This shifted my state from what was missing in my lfe, to the abundance that I did have all around me. I knew that the riches in my life weren't measured in possessions but in my relationships and these gave me faith that life was worth living.
One year on and I am also actively sharing these skills with others. The unknown now is welcomed and I have accepted the illusion of control, is just that ..." an illusion." The fear of what I didn't know, the fear of being in the void and the discomfort zone have been replaced with the certainty, that I would have been in greater pain, not giving myself this time and space and not trusting the wisdom that is in my heart. When you shift your state of mind outside your thoughts and feelings, you are guided by your natural ability and you trust it. You do know what's best for you, if you give yourself the time to stop. Everyone knows what they want, often they just don't believe they can have it.
You can create a life that feels good. You can lighten up.
When floodbanks burst, it is just a major sign from your heart that something big (some underlying structure in your life) needs to change. Remember whatever gets stuck in one emotional cycle, will only revisit you again, begging to be resolved at a later stage.
Life is a duality of positives and negatives, ups and downs. However each negative emotion can be the impetus for positive change. Surface changes to our outer world are relatively easy -as they can be bought. However changing feelings and thoughts that are constantly compensating for the notion that you are separate to what you want and creating balance in your innnerworld, is not as difficult as you might think. The rewards are also far more long term and enable you to manage change more effectively when things occur outside of your control.
Meditation is a practice that has been around for centuries. It is a tool that research demonstrates there are many benefits. There are now 84 000 documented ways to meditate. Pure Consciousness Mediation Nights are non-denominational and defy stereotyped connations of meditation. They are designed to create balance and allow you to relax so that you can connect to your intuition and follow the guidance of your own heart.
Pure Consciousness also now has an additional NEW service for people who are unable to make the time for Meditation classes or courses.
The EQUILIBRATION PROCESS - utilizes the interior sources of your painful emotions such as anger, jealousy and resentment and releases the negative charge from the thought process, to elevate your perspective. This process causes an immediate shift in your perceptions. The results are gained in only one session.
Why wait for something to burst? Why wait for the floodbanks to overflow? Why not try something new...Perhaps meditation could be the new tool you are looking for...
Intro Nights will be held @ The Canning River Eco Centre
- Wednesday 21st September @ 7.30-9.30pm...Cost $20
Don't you deserve to truly relax your thinking mind and allow your creativity and intution to prosper?
Monday, January 10, 2011
The 100 Day Plan to 100% Change
Today I chose to lighten the load and break down my goals into practical bite size progress points....
My theory is that if I make little changes 100 days I will have made a 100% change to my life from today.
I was so enthusiastic, that for today I devoted 100 minutes to the changes I want to see;
I broke these down to 20minute starting points...
To clear my mind I began with some work off the Xmas Excess.
So the jog that usually takes 15mins took 25...who cares it's not where you start!
This was followed by 20minutes of meditation....the stillness energizes...and it was great to get shift from a state of reaction to responsiveness.
Then 20mins of reflection, focussing on how far I have come not how far I've got to go...Success breeds success.
Another 20mins of paperwork...Then 20mins of decluttering...Yeh 3 kitchen drawers done!
Now I am at the end of this glorious day...The remainder was unplanned and allowed for spontaneous interactions with friends and loved ones...
I have made a start...I am feeling buoyant. Life is about flow...there is a knowing within when our heart and mind are ready for change...negative emotions can lead to positive change if we choose to focus our energy on what we want.
Every experience has it's place, every emotion has it's purpose - to define and refine the quality of focus within, with which we filter our life experience...
The journey of discovery is different and unique for each individual, however to commit to growth and change and be responsible for revitalizing life where needed, leads to new freedoms and release...
Day One down...99 to go!
My theory is that if I make little changes 100 days I will have made a 100% change to my life from today.
I was so enthusiastic, that for today I devoted 100 minutes to the changes I want to see;
I broke these down to 20minute starting points...
To clear my mind I began with some work off the Xmas Excess.
So the jog that usually takes 15mins took 25...who cares it's not where you start!
This was followed by 20minutes of meditation....the stillness energizes...and it was great to get shift from a state of reaction to responsiveness.
Then 20mins of reflection, focussing on how far I have come not how far I've got to go...Success breeds success.
Another 20mins of paperwork...Then 20mins of decluttering...Yeh 3 kitchen drawers done!
Now I am at the end of this glorious day...The remainder was unplanned and allowed for spontaneous interactions with friends and loved ones...
I have made a start...I am feeling buoyant. Life is about flow...there is a knowing within when our heart and mind are ready for change...negative emotions can lead to positive change if we choose to focus our energy on what we want.
Every experience has it's place, every emotion has it's purpose - to define and refine the quality of focus within, with which we filter our life experience...
The journey of discovery is different and unique for each individual, however to commit to growth and change and be responsible for revitalizing life where needed, leads to new freedoms and release...
Day One down...99 to go!
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