The sentiment is how I choose to feel and the images are the essence of who I know I am. I am an adventurer, I love to travel to and explore the mysteries of the universe, I am constantly unveiling transforming and transmuting negative unconscious beliefs and I work in strong partnerships with those that are around me. I look for beauty in the world around me and know that every negative emotion is the impetus for positive change. I believe that just as the universe is billions upon billions larger than what we can perceive, so is the universe within.
I welcome new life and seek to value and nurture my children to stand on my shoulders and elevate their perspective of the world. I know I am a lucky girl.
The pictures on the page are as valid to me now as they were when I first created the document. It has been my blueprint.
After glancing at the picture this morning...I ran around with the kids and then head over to my local shopping centre to enter a competition that would allow me to win a fashion voucher. The irony was that I had tried to enter the day before but the centre had run out of surprise envelopes for that day...The kind lady advised me to come back tomorrow...(that being today)...Lucky or unlucky? I chose to view it as lucky as I would have more chances to win...You could enter this lucky dip with a receipt as little as $10 and as I had just spent a considerable amount of money on a new modem ($200) and printer ink ($100). So I thought why not? I head back to the centre in the pouring rain this morning and handed in my receipts for validation and to my surprise and pure delight I received a $250 voucher for my efforts...WOW!!!
It has made my day and reaffirmed to me that when I choose my attitude about the way in which I perceive my world...what I perceive I receive.
The synchronicity of life has no co-incidence. I choose to align my spirt with the purest perspective and what I focus on, I get more of...
Do you wish you were rich? Then you are feeling poor!
Do you wish you were not a negative person - then you are empowering the very thing you wish you were not...
We don't get what we desire - we get what we are...and the most beautiful part is that only you can define that perspective...You create the life you experience by acknowledging you thoughts and feelings. Often we are so busy creating the physical and mental experience of our world, we bundle and safely package and wrap the emotions for another day...However these act as blocks that prevent you from manifesting the life that you want...It is when you are not attached to any outcome that you receive the outcome you want...
Our state just not just happen...it is defined by our thoughts ( which we can choose) and our feelings. (which we need to feel). Our feelings are our greatest gift and teacher.
This blueprint that I have for my life, is not defined by things but the feelings that those pictures evoke...My life is rich because I see the value in the painful times, in teaching me something about my life that I may not have necessarily been inspired to learn, had their been only good times...
Twenty five years later, I have travelled the world, I have been married to a beautiful man who is now with me in spirit. I have had beautiful children and I continue to do the work that it takes to refine my physical vessel, and my emotional and mental state.
Through meditation I connect with the spirit, light and power of my soul. I am aware of the way in which my mind can work and actively seek to grow and change and develop new ways of doing more with less...
Last night I had facilitated my fourth Pure Consciousness Meditation for Relaxation Level One course and I felt extremely lucky to be in the right place at the right time with the right people.
Their testimonials were as follows:
Shelley Tucker: (Canningvale) " I can move forward , live in the moment, stop worrying about things that may never happen. I have learnt how to relax and create space. I think positive and know change can happen"
Sonia Brooks; (Sorrento)" I can believe in myself. Trust in life's process. I have learnt to meditate. I will continue of my new beginning and continue on with the next course to align myself to my true values."
Di Ridley(Harrisdale) "Being part of a group made the experience more intense and by coming to group sessions, has made me experience things I didn't think were possible. This course is more personalized and you are able to put the techniques into practice based on your own experience. I have learnt to let go and trust that I can do things I have never been able to do before (meditate). I will continue to try to meditate at home, use my voice to let people know what I need and be more concsious of my own emotional needs."
So today when I awoke I first chose to align myself with my spirit by sitting in front of a candle for the first 5 minutes of my day. It is there that I hear my essence, (my core). I had the intention take another baby step to eliminate the amount of stimulants I have in my diet.
I was grateful for my bag of lemons that Sonia, (one of the course participants) had brought for me on the last night...Infact I am grateful for all the resources that find their way to me...I know that luck is preparation meeting opportunity...
Are you going to commit to making some small change to create space, to value your life and realign with the power and light of your spirit? Do you have your own blueprint?
Pure Consciousness can and does help those who have a need to change their alignment and the quality of the energy with which they choose to live their life...Why not find out more today? YOU DESERVE IT!
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