Monday, January 10, 2011

The 100 Day Plan to 100% Change

Today I chose to lighten the load and break down my goals into practical bite size progress points....

My theory is that if I make little changes 100 days I will have made a 100% change to my life from today.

I was so enthusiastic, that for today I devoted 100 minutes to the changes I want to see;
I broke these down to 20minute starting points...

To clear my mind I began with some work off the Xmas Excess.
So the jog that usually takes 15mins took 25...who cares it's not where you start!

This was followed by 20minutes of meditation....the stillness energizes...and it was great to get shift from a state of reaction to responsiveness.

Then 20mins of reflection, focussing on how far I have come not how far I've got to go...Success breeds success.

Another 20mins of paperwork...Then 20mins of decluttering...Yeh 3 kitchen drawers done!

Now I am at the end of this glorious day...The remainder was unplanned and allowed for spontaneous interactions with friends and loved ones...

I have made a start...I am feeling buoyant. Life is about flow...there is a knowing within when our heart and mind are ready for change...negative emotions can lead to positive change if we choose to focus our energy on what we want.

Every experience has it's place, every emotion has it's purpose - to define and refine the quality of focus within, with which we filter our life experience...
The journey of discovery is different and unique for each individual, however to commit to growth and change and be responsible for revitalizing life where needed, leads to new freedoms and release...

Day One down...99 to go!

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