Friday, May 6, 2011

Loving the Mystery

Welcoming the void is difficult at's when suddenly all that has worked for you in the past...seems to disappear in a puff of smoke...You can continue to think Why Me?...Why Now?...Why This? Or you can graciously accept that now you are in the realm of INFINITE POSSIBILITY...

Stepping up is scary but it's so good to know what you don't want...

Are you fearing being alone or stepping up to being accountable for all the freedom you have to make choices today that will lead you closer to peace and acceptance?

Today I choose my path...I take responsibility for my words and I take the baby steps towards living from the path of my heart. I accept each new second is my chance to choose my focus. I stay true to the simple creed of treating others the way I want to be treated. I stay flexible to acknowledge my preferences, my dreams and my vision and know that anything that appears unexpectedly is a new path of my immortal heart waiting to unfold.

I rest, relax and TRUST that all is happening in the right time and place and by focusing on what I have already achieved, I allow it to unfold gracefully. Sitting still with this knowledge is really powerful.

Meditation is not about denying the thoughts that cross our minds but merely finding the wordless gap between them. The only map contained in this mystery called life is within the wordless guidance of your heart. Be open to the mystery of life and don't be afraid to focus your attention to be your own light in the dark. Fears exist to guide and protect us, as long as we aim for balance in our lives.

When you fight, resist or deny what fight with yourself and no one wins...
The light of your soul knows where you have been and where you are destined to travel should you choose to trust the process of life...

Meditation helps to enhance that light and create a healthy balance in your life.


Casual Sessions begin Saturday the 11th of June - July 2nd 2011 (4 weeks only)
@ The Canning River Eco Centre
(cnr of Kent St and Queens Park Rd)

COST $30



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