Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Balance...Boredom and Popular Culture....

In today's world of "Extreme Makeovers" it seems that lifestyle is everything but it's your ability to take life to the extreme that gives you cudos... The young and trendy not so young seem to treat having an addiction to exercise, retail therapy, computer games, their mobile phone, a brand name or a hobby as a good or trendy thing to have..How often have you heard the term "I'm addicted to..." bandied around in light conversation...and whilst used as an attention getter...just continues to promote the illusion that going above and beyond for physical gratification is so okay...Pharmaceutical companies are getting wealthier and wealthier on the inventions of their next quick fix...regardless of the impact on society at large...

For example we face epidemic levels of attachement to prescription drugs and their use, is seen as normal...Infact any performance enhancers are no longer discretely discussed...they are advertised as yet another quick fix to your problems...Did you know that the largest prescribed drug for women in Australia, in the last five years has gone from the pill to anti-depressants?...Is there any wonder we find it difficult to balance our wants and needs... when the causes are not treated...only the symtopms...

This perpetuates an insatiable adrenalin enhanced lifestyle...which just makes you run a little harder on the "had to be there" treadmill. We are so focussed on the highs that the inevitable accompanying lows keep us on the hyped up roller coaster of the busy modern world and inevitably numb our senses and lead us to exhaustion at the end of the day/week/month.

Tell tale signs that you are running on adrenalin and living an addictive lifestyle is that you need to control everything, find it difficult to do nothing and making unrealistic to do lists for the day...or that you think if only I had_____________ I'd be happy.

Values account for much of how time is spent by any individual and your own personal definition of "making it" and "success"..."Life is short so play hard or go home..."is the motto for many...However if you have lost your passion for what you have always done and all that used to bring you pleasure no longer does...It is time to stop, relax, reassess and learn something new.

Creating balance need not be boring.

True inspiration knows the challenges and opportunity costs but allows you to empower yourself regardless...If you somehow feel like you're missing a bigger picture..perhaps you are looking in the wrong places?

If you dwell in the past or the future - one used to exist but no longer does and the other has even started yet...Doing something because you are addicted...means the ego is involved...and that means what you think of me is more important than what I think of myself...Doing something because you love it on the other hand...is from you inspiration, your true purpose and path...

What happens when the lines are blurred????When something you are addicted to...is also something you love? You need to reframe...Are you in someway avoiding feeling pain? Are you unable to stop thinking, thinking and more thinking...

If you are finding more ways to gain more speed then you may have the belief that life is running out...Your Ego gives you a identity in society and your physcial senses will never be able to be fill the void if you remain satisfied with it.

The lows are there to alert you to the fact that you are alive and there is some authentic growth to be done. Life is full of endings and beginnings. Letting go and trusting that you are always in the right place at the right time, can be difficult when we face extreme loss, grief, or change...However we learn the most from these times if we are open to feeling the difficult feelings that are there. Anger can be clarifying - all feelings are ok. That it is to be human...it's how we act as a result of them that is the clue.

Everything in moderation is the wise old saying. Balance needn't be boring.
Making sense of our world occurs when we choose to relax. If we have to go on endlessly achieving - we will not know the gifts of the environment we are in. Every heart, every experience comes to teach us...even if it is only what we don't want. Happiness is purely relative to how we make sense of the bigger picture... After all, we who live in the Western World, live in the top 5% of the world's population...all our physcial needs of food, shelter and clothing are met relatively well next to the other 95%.

Being relaxed and at home in your own heart all depends on your perspective and ability to make sense of the challenges that come your way. You are the light within, not the lamp but the flame. The more you love this comfortable space within, the less need you will have to be addicted to anything external...prescribed or not, legal or not...Our generation has alot to be accountable for and the way in which we use language and normalize certain behaviours in the midst of being youthful and cool, fun and carefree. The next time you admit that you are addicted to something...ask yourself if you can rephrase it by saying..."I really love....." It all starts with a thought...True freedom comes from balance and being totally in the present. Being addicted means that short term pleasures are going to lead to long term pain. If you are ready to go deeper, to change the patterns of behaviour and to find space to rejuvenate, meditation can help.

Pure Consciousness Meditations assist to find that space within.
To find out more please come to an Intro Night or contact Sorelle.
Email: latfocus1@ic-net.com.au
Mobile: 0414 354313


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