Sunday, January 30, 2011

Redefining Our Connection to Self

What is Pure Consciousness? Essentially Pure Consciousness allows us to be in charge of our own healing process through focusing on the unique spiritual capacity of every human being to be in an alert non- judgemental attentiveness to one's thoughts, actions and feelings.

When we practice this meditative approach to life we discover the unchanging eternal center    of watchfulness - the center which has the capacity to be creative and invent solutions to the challenges that we face. The same center that allows us to become aware of the thoughts, feelings and actions which may be causing us to be in a state of unconscious stress or dissatisfaction which leads to a state of disconnectedness.

Ironically this disconnection will compel us to look for satisfaction and connection in a world of temporary external experiences and if left unchecked this underlying restlessness will encourage us to stay in a state of unbalance and excess, driving us to extremes in order to numb our current reality...All of the tools of modern life ( eg. mobiles and text, computers - emails and Facebook) all can undermine our connection to what is real and if over utilized tend to replace real relationships and mirror the relationship you begin to have with yourself. Is your relationship with yourself similar to that on your Facebook Page...100 or so possible connections but nothing deeper than the images posted or casual one liners?

I define rich, not in the assets you own but in the relationships you have in this lifetime...Do they mirror your connection that you have with yourself? Can they weather conflict? Do they have enough depth to survive the storms that present in life? The most important relationship and the only one you can really rely upon and/or change, is the relationship you have with yourself. Self doubt is an insidious creation of the ego from which there can be little respite if you are too busy to go within...Fear is there to guide and protect you if you're willing to experience it. Every emotion, experience and person in your life is there to help you evolve. Each has it's purpose to define and refine the quality of your life and the filter with which you view it.

The Pure Consciousness Course- Meditation and You... facilitates spiritual insights and mindfulness techniques in a way that is fun and creative. The relaxation response actively heals and breaks the bondages of the mind and nurtures one's individuality and sense of equilibrium. The journey of self discovery is absolutely unique to each individual - whilst the core truths to be discovered are the same regardless of race, gender, class or religious upbringing. This course will allow you to relax, reflect, refine and refocus the lens with which you view your life.

Pure Consciousness is a tool for the modern times that helps you to tune into your compassion, heightened sensitivity, courage and individuality. It is not about denying the outer world and focussing only on the inner world - it is about BALANCE...Allowing yourself to enjoy the depth of connection, understandings and wisdom and bringing balance to a modern life that doesn't always provide the time and space for the type of healing we require.


"I can handle things differently and at times better than before. I can stop and put things in a different perspective, by seeing what is a higher value to me and my family. Learning ways to meditate was amazing." Maria Pizzuto - Office Administration
( Canningvale)

" I can look forward with a heightened sense of trust in myself and my beliefs. I found the relaxation methods and meditation methods particularly useful."
Karen Young -Teacher (Ardross)

" I have learnt that from meditation I can view my life in a more peaceful way. I can choose to meditate and trust the decisions I make are the right ones at the right time" Helen Friesner - Home Duties ( Bullcreek)

" I measure my progress by my state of relaxation and ability to sleep better. The changes I have observed relate to my ability to observe my surroundings while everything around me is busy. I found the most beneficial experience as a result of attending 6 meditations, is my ability to not get flustered in my daily goings." Ravi Subramaniam ( Engineer) - Palmyra

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