Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Merry Xmas

When all is spinning around you and you find your experience of Xmas is nothing but rush, rush, cram, cram and buy more, more, more....Remember you do have a choice...

The quality of our life is directly related to our experience of it in this moment.
Today I stopped and centred myself....just by taking time out to sit still and become the observer.

Your body is a safe haven, which you can retreat to...anytime, day or night.
It takes discipline to disengage from the chatter of our mind and focus on the quiet voice of our essence. However true power, strength and security can only be found deep within the stillness of our hearts. Our feelings alert us to when, we need to slow down. Do our choices empower us or do we overide our feelings and contiune to further deplete our energy systems?

My most basic tool, is one that I use from the moment I open my eyes in the morning.
Before I get out of bed. I align my choices with light, expansion and love by imagining every part of my body being filled with a beautiful golden light.

At this time of the year, I acknowledge that often my feet are still tired from the day before and I find that unless I am willing to give up the struggle and acknowledge the pain...I will continue push myself rather than nurture myself...This then has a flow on effect to all the choices I make in my day....having to reward myself to get through the day...usually with some sweet treat!

So today I align my choices with expansion and love and create a space for love to enter my experience at the start of my day. Meditation has been proven to increase inner peace and lower stress levels. It naturally relaxes the body whilst focussing the mind. However you do not need to spend hours to gain the benefits...Your intention to be humble and receptive needs to be clear. Pay attention to what flows through your mind and be mindful of the voice of the judge or the observer.

What are you experiencing in this what are you tuned into?
Allow this moment to be your second chance...When you are grounded in a peaceful, relaxed and neutral vibration you are more likely to see the love that surrounds you in every moment.
Shorten the to do list...take a moment to relax...and you will get more done...Try it for yourself...when we cut ourself off from our feelings and live life in our mind...we are not fully present to the beauty that is there all the time....

Relax and trust that there is an effortless guided way and create this tranquill space for grace to only takes a few minutes...


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