So often in life, we reach a point in time when we definitely know that we need to let go of something in order to create something new. If your glass is full, there is no room for anything else. Just how do you do this in times of rapid change, financial responsibilities and information overload.
I have a secret I want to share...
- First you need to stop.
- Second you need to feel.
- Third you need to surrender.
It's amazing, we are all so good at being busy. We will often ignore the warning signs that something needs to change. It's not like we haven't had that experience before, as with each phase in life brings endings and new beginnings. However what has changed is our need to control it all, to cause the least discomfort possible.
I have been juggling and juggling this last year. Well aware of my financial responsibilities to my two children and myself, I have attempted transitioning into a new career in a safe fashion...Still holding onto the old, and chunking off the new. However with every opportunity there is an opportunity cost. Over the last two months I have been feeling the costs...literally...I have come too far to want to go backwards...however I have reached a kind of middle limbo...doing everything part time but not seeming to get the results I really want.
However in my moments of fear and doubt...something wonderful has transpired. I have realized that unlike the me of the past...I no longer numb myself so that I cannot feel the pain of change. Through the skills and knowledge I have acquired, I realize that I have come a really long way in my readiness for change. I stop each morning before the day begins. I feel the adrenalin that runs through my veins as a result of the many outcomes I want to achieve for the day and I then surrender to the this present moment.
This brings such great respite. It brings such clarity. It's okay because I now know that these feelings don't last and I can choose my alignment in my life. I choose to be grateful. I choose to allow my fears to inspire me in a direction that is less frantic, more nurturing and understanding that I am worth the discipline it takes to make the necessary changes. The direction now is not about being the BEST IN THE WORLD (ego driven) is about BEING THE BEST FOR MY WORLD. (Emanating from my essence.)
In feeling my resistance, I notice my fear, embrace it and surrender my they are often just old conditioning and belief systems that need upgrading.
So, if you find yourself wanting to change direction but are fearful of the consequences...Take a moment and stop. Give yourself the space to feel your feelings. Allow what challenges you to inspire a new level of self awareness and self worth. You do deserve this time. You can take one small step today to appreciate yourself in a new way and empower yourself to know...that your limitations begin mentally and as you allow yourself to think in new ways...Energy follows will feel yourself being in new ways...
Affirmation: I allow the light of my awareness to shine brightly, illuminate the darkness and support my growth. I am brave. I am strong. I let go of past disappointments and humbly move forward knowing I am worth the effort it takes to change and realign my thoughts.
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