Monday, November 26, 2012

The Pure Consciousness Experience

Turning Negatives into Positives
 The following testimonial is a note that was pasted on my facebook page last week by one of my clients - Thea.
"Today I lost my iphone whilst running the dog, for a moment I panicked...this was not the first time the first time the universe had warned me to get a grip on reality and out of cyberspace...
I went back to search for the phone with my kids...and had the best experience with the river...tranquil and peaceful...I watched them be children...innocent and full of life and wondered how they came to be so wonderful. My daughter sang with her heart and my son ran like the wind. We all enjoyed the comfort of our company.
It was a test for me, to remind me of what mattered the most. Thanks for your help and teaching me how to be present, open my heart to the love that exists within me and enjoy the peaks and plateaus of life as it unfolds xox"
To be inspired on a daily basis to align your thought processes and transmute negativity, go to the following page and press LIKE:)

About Sorelle Miller:
Sorelle Miller is a contemporary meditation teacher who has combined the contemplative practices of the East with the most usable, relevant scientific information and research of the West, to deliver Wellness programs that are insightful, fun and informative, designed specifically to elicit the Relaxation Response.

Sorelle’s techniques are varied and designed specifically for the individual or group, to quickly allow you to slow your thinking, increase your awareness and develop your ability to trust your own intuition.

Sorelle was born in Perth Western Australia and is of Asian descent, her family originating in Myanmar.  Her passion for systems of self education that promote resilience and total health and well being began with the completion of a  Bachelor of Arts Degree  in Education and Psychology .  Sorelle became a primary school teacher and aerobics instructor in her early twenties and continued to expand her focus on health and wellbeing after completing a Graduate Diploma in Business.  Sorelle’s personal growth and development has been enhanced by a variety of courses of study and travel around the world, shifting the focus from head to heart based knowledge.  Her passion to learn and immerse herself in the healing philosophies of different cultures and religions has inspired her to travel to many countries and locations around the world. Specifically the Navaho countryside of Utah and Arizona, Monument Valley, Death Valley, the Grand Canyon, the Mayan Ruins  in Mexico, the Stonehenge in England,  Vatican City in Rome,  the Pyramids of Egypt and marry in the 130 million year old rainforests in Terranganu, Malaysia.

 Her inspiration to strengthen and consolidate her skills to fully engage in meditative practices began in 2001 with the birth of her first child, balancing a career as a facilitator and sole parent as her husband worked offshore for long periods of time. At this time Sorelle facilitated and developed a variety of personal growth courses in Self Esteem, Communication and Parenting for a local Non Profit community group. Simultaneously Sorelle explored many alternative meditative processes that would deepen one’s ability to align the energy systems of one’s thoughts to reduce stress and found that her techniques were being requested by many of her course participants. In 2002 Sorelle was one of the first in Australia to participate and certify in Doreen Virtue’s Angel Intuitive Program. In addition she has explored Reiki, Luxor Light Meditations and the practical strategies of Kinesiology.

 Sorelle’s interest in Neural Linguistic Programming and Neuroplasticity began in 2007 when her  husband became a paraplegic. Sorelle’s husband had a motorbike land on his chest at a racetrack in Perth and suffered extreme pain from a myriad of injuries. The sudden change of circumstance impacted Sorelle’s philosophy and life direction immensely. Through this traumatic time, Sorelle’s resilience and ability to focus wholeheartedly on what needed to be done,  tested the skill set that she had developed over the years.  However the gift of this situation was that she saw her life purpose with new eyes.  Sorelle focused with intent on the skills she had developed and also educated herself about the brain’s ability to rewire itself, with the research of Norman Doige. Fortunately, her husband had been accepted into a 6 million dollar study into Neuroplasticity at Curtin University. However just as the program was about to commence in 2009, Sorelle endured the tragic passing of her husband unexpectedly. As part of her healing journey, Sorelle chose to travel to Chaing Mai, Thailand to study the art of playing the Tibetan Bowls and bells with a Tibetan shaman who is renowned in his field of healing.

The combination of her educational background, insight, intuition and ability to cope with grief has allowed Sorelle to recognize her true purpose in sharing these gifts and coping mechanisms with others. 

Sorelle’s philosophy focuses on balance, awareness and your perception of the world around you and facilitating an understanding of the structures of the personality and mind that move you from ease to dis-ease

Her inspiration for life and down to earth authenticity is exemplified in her work in which her mission is to introduce effective, sustainable wellness for individuals in their life and provide them with the tools to enable, empower and inspire life balance to achieve total health.  Her gift specialises in meditative processes facilitating the Relaxation Response to enable individuals to shift mindset and achieve enhanced wellness whilst improving their self awareness and mental clarity. 

The fast-paced life-forces of this century has eroded humanity of the ability to recognize and deal with the mental and emotional confusion that arises out of coping with the complexities of everyday life.  Total Health and Life Balance through a state of Pure Consciousness provides as a catalyst to help us deal with the challenge of living in the 22nd century! 

For more information for PERSONAL MEDITATION MENTORING please email me or call

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Changing Direction

Today I contemplated exactly what experiences I wanted to align myself with for the future. It's very exciting to write a Business Plan when it involves your life's purpose. Knowing it is half the battle, however then pursuing it and building it with a solid foundation of TRUST IN THE FUTURE YOU CANNOT SEE is another experience yet again.

So often in life, we reach a point in time when we definitely know that we need to let go of something in order to create something new. If your glass is full, there is no room for anything else. Just how do you do this in times of rapid change, financial responsibilities and information overload.

I have a secret I want to share...
  • First you need to stop
  •  Second you need to feel.
  •  Third you need to surrender.

It's amazing, we are all so good at being busy. We will often ignore the warning signs that something needs to change. It's not like we haven't had that experience before, as with each phase in life brings endings and new beginnings. However what has changed is our need to control it all, to cause the least discomfort possible.

I have been juggling and juggling this last year. Well aware of my financial responsibilities to my two children and myself, I have attempted transitioning into a new career in a safe fashion...Still holding onto the old, and chunking off  the new. However with every opportunity there is an opportunity cost. Over the last two months I have been feeling the costs...literally...I have come too far to want to go backwards...however I have reached a kind of middle limbo...doing everything part time but not seeming to get the results I really want.

However in my moments of fear and doubt...something wonderful has transpired. I have realized that unlike the me of the past...I no longer numb myself so that  I cannot feel the pain of change. Through the skills and knowledge I have acquired, I realize that I have come a really long way in my readiness for change. I stop each morning before the day begins. I feel the adrenalin that runs through my veins as a result of the many outcomes I want to achieve for the day and I then surrender to the this present moment.

This brings such great respite. It brings such clarity. It's okay because I now know that these feelings don't last and I can choose my alignment in my life. I choose to be grateful. I choose to allow my fears to inspire me in a direction that is less frantic, more nurturing and understanding that I am worth the discipline it takes to make the necessary changes. The direction now is not about being the BEST IN THE WORLD (ego driven) is about BEING THE BEST FOR MY WORLD. (Emanating from my essence.)

In feeling my resistance, I notice my fear, embrace it and  surrender my they are often just old conditioning and belief systems that need upgrading.

So, if you find yourself wanting to change direction but are fearful of the consequences...Take a moment and stop. Give yourself the space to feel your feelings. Allow what challenges you to inspire a new level of self awareness and self worth. You do deserve this time. You can take one small step today to appreciate yourself in a new way and empower yourself to know...that your limitations begin mentally and as you allow yourself to think in new ways...Energy follows will feel yourself being in new ways...

Affirmation: I allow the light of my awareness to shine brightly, illuminate the darkness and support my growth. I am brave. I am strong. I let go of  past disappointments and humbly move forward knowing I am worth the effort it takes to change and realign my thoughts.
