Sunday, July 29, 2012

INTRODUCING THE SPIRIT TREE Meditation for Relaxation CD

Do you value time out to relax, ground yourself and be centred in who you really are?

 Spirit Tree is a bright bold and colourful meditation CD designed to help you relax and connect you with your creativity and intuition. The beautiful artwork depicts and owl standing in a tree which signifies being able to find your way in the dark.

The first track "Spirit Tree"  is 25minutes long and is designed to de-stress you and systematically release your emotions and bring you back to a neutral state.

The second track has been designed for those days when despite the highest intentions, all of your actions have lead to things falling in a heap. This track inspires you to relfect, learn the wisdom from the situation and prepare to take action from a place of calm centredness.

The CD is available now and is $30 plus $3 postage and handling.

Email for payment and ordering details.

Read a review about this product @
Namaste Sorelle

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