In my essence life is abundant, love is eternal, wisdom is infinate and perfection lies in the beauty that I see in nature.
Do you nurture your nature
...or does the need to have every PERFECT destroy the spontaneous beauty of your world?
Striving for perfection means at some level self doubt needs to control every minor detail...If everything is controlled there is no room for magic or miracles in your life. The more natural and spontaneous the gesture, the closer to perfection you are...
Today I choose to focus on the beauty of sychronicity, the purity of my intentions and the quality of the words I speak. I recognize that the overemphasis on perfection of my external environment may just detour the very feeling of wholeness and completeness that I may be seeking. I let my life unfold and observe the quality of my life experience, knowing that what I focus on, I will ultimately get more of...If I choose to overide my feelings and strive for perfection, the perfection of any moment will be lost for the illusion that all will be better in the future. I make the most of this moment now and let the future take care of itself.
May the feelings of peace and joy be with you throughout this festive season...
Self Healing Tool facilitating Balance, connecting you to your Creativity and Intuition.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Merry Xmas
When all is spinning around you and you find your experience of Xmas is nothing but rush, rush, cram, cram and buy more, more, more....Remember you do have a choice...
The quality of our life is directly related to our experience of it in this moment.
Today I stopped and centred myself....just by taking time out to sit still and become the observer.
Your body is a safe haven, which you can retreat to...anytime, day or night.
It takes discipline to disengage from the chatter of our mind and focus on the quiet voice of our essence. However true power, strength and security can only be found deep within the stillness of our hearts. Our feelings alert us to when, we need to slow down. Do our choices empower us or do we overide our feelings and contiune to further deplete our energy systems?
My most basic tool, is one that I use from the moment I open my eyes in the morning.
Before I get out of bed. I align my choices with light, expansion and love by imagining every part of my body being filled with a beautiful golden light.
At this time of the year, I acknowledge that often my feet are still tired from the day before and I find that unless I am willing to give up the struggle and acknowledge the pain...I will continue push myself rather than nurture myself...This then has a flow on effect to all the choices I make in my day....having to reward myself to get through the day...usually with some sweet treat!
So today I align my choices with expansion and love and create a space for love to enter my experience at the start of my day. Meditation has been proven to increase inner peace and lower stress levels. It naturally relaxes the body whilst focussing the mind. However you do not need to spend hours to gain the benefits...Your intention to be humble and receptive needs to be clear. Pay attention to what flows through your mind and be mindful of the voice of the judge or the observer.
What are you experiencing in this what are you tuned into?
Allow this moment to be your second chance...When you are grounded in a peaceful, relaxed and neutral vibration you are more likely to see the love that surrounds you in every moment.
Shorten the to do list...take a moment to relax...and you will get more done...Try it for yourself...when we cut ourself off from our feelings and live life in our mind...we are not fully present to the beauty that is there all the time....
Relax and trust that there is an effortless guided way and create this tranquill space for grace to only takes a few minutes...
The quality of our life is directly related to our experience of it in this moment.
Today I stopped and centred myself....just by taking time out to sit still and become the observer.
Your body is a safe haven, which you can retreat to...anytime, day or night.
It takes discipline to disengage from the chatter of our mind and focus on the quiet voice of our essence. However true power, strength and security can only be found deep within the stillness of our hearts. Our feelings alert us to when, we need to slow down. Do our choices empower us or do we overide our feelings and contiune to further deplete our energy systems?
My most basic tool, is one that I use from the moment I open my eyes in the morning.
Before I get out of bed. I align my choices with light, expansion and love by imagining every part of my body being filled with a beautiful golden light.
At this time of the year, I acknowledge that often my feet are still tired from the day before and I find that unless I am willing to give up the struggle and acknowledge the pain...I will continue push myself rather than nurture myself...This then has a flow on effect to all the choices I make in my day....having to reward myself to get through the day...usually with some sweet treat!
So today I align my choices with expansion and love and create a space for love to enter my experience at the start of my day. Meditation has been proven to increase inner peace and lower stress levels. It naturally relaxes the body whilst focussing the mind. However you do not need to spend hours to gain the benefits...Your intention to be humble and receptive needs to be clear. Pay attention to what flows through your mind and be mindful of the voice of the judge or the observer.
What are you experiencing in this what are you tuned into?
Allow this moment to be your second chance...When you are grounded in a peaceful, relaxed and neutral vibration you are more likely to see the love that surrounds you in every moment.
Shorten the to do list...take a moment to relax...and you will get more done...Try it for yourself...when we cut ourself off from our feelings and live life in our mind...we are not fully present to the beauty that is there all the time....
Relax and trust that there is an effortless guided way and create this tranquill space for grace to only takes a few minutes...
Sunday, December 12, 2010
The Value of Having Good Friends...
My friends are such a wonderful down to earth bunch...tonight a beautiful girlfriend'sbirthday. I inadvertently made her a year older than what she was...Did she she show for me...she accepted the fact warmly that we all make mistakes...That it is a busy time and that I would never intentionally hurt her or treat her badly...She gave me the " benefit fo the doubt' I love this as it means...she can truly see her own reflection in me...Good friends for only one thing is for that we all will make mistakes...I give thanks...
My friends are such a wonderful down to earth bunch...tonight a beautiful girlfriend'sbirthday. I inadvertently made her a year older than what she was...Did she she show for me...she accepted the fact warmly that we all make mistakes...That it is a busy time and that I would never intentionally hurt her or treat her badly...She gave me the " benefit fo the doubt' I love this as it means...she can truly see her own reflection in me...Good friends for only one thing is for that we all will make mistakes...I give thanks...
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Friday, July 2, 2010
I am a Lucky Girl!

Today, a new day and I reflect on how far I have come in the last 11 weeks following my dream.
I am in the land of the unknown. Recently a widow with two beautiful children. Lucky to have been loved by the man of my dreams. I follow my heart and am brave enough to face the consequences of my choices.
Since my beloved's departure on March 23rd 2009, I know that love is worth risking on purpose for, even if in your wildest dreams it don't turn out the way you expected. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, nothing learnt and nothing felt.
My intention is now is to make the most of what I have. Not to focus on what's lost, what's missing and/or what's in pain. The fear is there but courage is not the absence of fear and the grieving is process is brutal for those who love deeply and with all their heart. It seeks to teach that there is more to life than this physical existence. Whatever brought us into existence in the first place transforms time and space to continue to exist. I feel this love with my whole being.
Pure Consciousness is loving the here and now. Accepting that the choices I made yesterday have determined to a large extent where I am today.
I have the free will to judge good or bad but that in itself is not going to get me anywhere.
Love. trust. security, joy....are qualitites of the soul...not the ego.
Happiness is always dependant on the external circumstances of the personality but I always have the choice to go within. To choose.
The soul accepts that life doesn't always go to the ego's plan. It accepts that often that biggest lessons are not what we choose but what we are given.
Every time I dig deep to choose my attitude and my focus... a new level of synchronicity elevates my perspective to ask where have I been? Darkness can't continue to exist where there is light and I can choose to shine my light whereever I choose, by choosing my perspective of this human existence.
Life is beautiful, nature is nature. Nature can be cruel to be kind and the 'x' factor only reflects my level of fear and doubt on the inside. I am a radiating magnet for core exposure.
I am life. May grace flow through me. I am the power of my soul. I can choose to live on the surface and pretend or I can be my authentic self, choosing to make the most of what I have, who I choose to stand beside and who I in turn reflect for being at any point in time.
My relationships enrich me, relect me and are the only aspects of humanity I take with me, when my physical time has passed.
My future is as bright as I intend it to be.
My intent is only to illuminate, inspire and shine.

Today, a new day and I reflect on how far I have come in the last 11 weeks following my dream.
I am in the land of the unknown. Recently a widow with two beautiful children. Lucky to have been loved by the man of my dreams. I follow my heart and am brave enough to face the consequences of my choices.
Since my beloved's departure on March 23rd 2009, I know that love is worth risking on purpose for, even if in your wildest dreams it don't turn out the way you expected. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, nothing learnt and nothing felt.
My intention is now is to make the most of what I have. Not to focus on what's lost, what's missing and/or what's in pain. The fear is there but courage is not the absence of fear and the grieving is process is brutal for those who love deeply and with all their heart. It seeks to teach that there is more to life than this physical existence. Whatever brought us into existence in the first place transforms time and space to continue to exist. I feel this love with my whole being.
Pure Consciousness is loving the here and now. Accepting that the choices I made yesterday have determined to a large extent where I am today.
I have the free will to judge good or bad but that in itself is not going to get me anywhere.
Love. trust. security, joy....are qualitites of the soul...not the ego.
Happiness is always dependant on the external circumstances of the personality but I always have the choice to go within. To choose.
The soul accepts that life doesn't always go to the ego's plan. It accepts that often that biggest lessons are not what we choose but what we are given.
Every time I dig deep to choose my attitude and my focus... a new level of synchronicity elevates my perspective to ask where have I been? Darkness can't continue to exist where there is light and I can choose to shine my light whereever I choose, by choosing my perspective of this human existence.
Life is beautiful, nature is nature. Nature can be cruel to be kind and the 'x' factor only reflects my level of fear and doubt on the inside. I am a radiating magnet for core exposure.
I am life. May grace flow through me. I am the power of my soul. I can choose to live on the surface and pretend or I can be my authentic self, choosing to make the most of what I have, who I choose to stand beside and who I in turn reflect for being at any point in time.
My relationships enrich me, relect me and are the only aspects of humanity I take with me, when my physical time has passed.
My future is as bright as I intend it to be.
My intent is only to illuminate, inspire and shine.
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