Sunday, July 29, 2012

INTRODUCING THE SPIRIT TREE Meditation for Relaxation CD

Do you value time out to relax, ground yourself and be centred in who you really are?

 Spirit Tree is a bright bold and colourful meditation CD designed to help you relax and connect you with your creativity and intuition. The beautiful artwork depicts and owl standing in a tree which signifies being able to find your way in the dark.

The first track "Spirit Tree"  is 25minutes long and is designed to de-stress you and systematically release your emotions and bring you back to a neutral state.

The second track has been designed for those days when despite the highest intentions, all of your actions have lead to things falling in a heap. This track inspires you to relfect, learn the wisdom from the situation and prepare to take action from a place of calm centredness.

The CD is available now and is $30 plus $3 postage and handling.

Email for payment and ordering details.

Read a review about this product @
Namaste Sorelle


I truly believe that by knowing what you value in life and in commiting pen to paper and writing down your get more of what you focus on...For the last 5 years I have been affirming that I utilize technology with ease (LOL!!!)  and am supported in my process of learning and expansion. By this process I receive equally pure hearted and beautifully honest individuals driven by the highest intent. The dynamics of our combined integrity and commitment to authentic growth allow my operation in personal development, leadership, meditation and  mindset training to become one of the highest recommended  and sort after locally, nationally and internationally...BOLD I KNOW!!!YOU HAVE TO THINK GLOBAL!!!!

I am supported by a large number of professional services who are on the same page and heartfelt in wanting my business to prosper, succeed and influence a variety of people in their every day lives...This type of mentality is called a"horizon mentality"...In that you have a big, big picture of how you would like your life to unfold with the highest intent for your purposefulness on the planet. John Demartini calls this your "telos".

Well to date this has been manifesting slowly over the last three years...Given Pure Consciousness is only 3 years young. I am supported by my local doctors at the Southlands Medical Surgery and, thanks to the vision of Dr Andrew founder of the Australian Institute of Holistic Medicine, my local Naturopaths and beauticians...and this has generally spread out more and more as I focus about my mission and articulate the  vision for my life which is: to connect people to their creativity and intuition and create a tranquil space for grace to enter and to research, explore and refine methods of self education and self care, that combines the lastest western scientific research  based techniques and align these with the ancient wisdoms and tools of the East to promote balance and authentic growth.

So imagine my delight today when I received a wonderful recommendation in the by a beautiful earth angel called Jen who is the founder of this site of guidance and inspiration.  I was lucky enough to spend some heartfelt time on the Cruise ship the Royal Oasis with the Masterminds of the Carribean. Birds of a feather flock together...

Please check out this amazing site and what she has to say about the new Pure Consciousness CD...

Pure Consciousness is all about you deciding to change the course of your life and aligning it with your highest values. I teach by example and my path is illuminated by the voice of my intuition. My hope for you,is that by becoming truly centred and by seeing the value in your own life, that you will be able to do the same.
Please check out some of the FREE TOOLS available on this site:

Namaste Sorelle

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Great Book Titles to Explore...

Dr John Demartini
- The Breakthrough Experience,
- The Riches Within,

Gary Zukav
- Spiritual Partnership
The Journey to Authentic Power,

Mary Carlomagno
-Live More Want Less
52 ways to find order in your life,

Daniel J. Siegel M.D.
- Mindsight
 The New Science of Personal Transformation,

Tricia Brennan
-The Map of the Soul,

Joe Dispenza D.C.
- Evolve your Brain
The Science of Changing Your Mind,

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Changing the Water in your Goldfish Bowl

I have just returned from an AMAZING EVENT...Traveling on the Royal Oasis of The Seas (the world's largest cruiseship) through the East and West Carribean with the intent of learning new skills that would have the capacity to elevate my  consciousness. I was blessed to be in the company of some of the worlds leading educators on Mindset, Leadership and Wellbeing.

Dr John Demartini -Author of "The Riches Within" and "The Breakthrough Experience" was an amazing inspiration in the field of mindset, wellness and balance. His main message was to center yourself in love as
the world treats you the way you treat yourself.
He states:"Anything you stress about- anything you don't uncover and dissolve  by identifying it's hidden gift-is automatically stored in your body and can be felt in the form of signs and symptoms. Whenever you have an imbalanced perspective about the universe and see disorder, you're either attracted and repelled. You like or dislike; you experience pleasure or pain. Whatever you polarize your perceptions about in this way affects your cells in the same way, causing tension and compression in the cells that could be considered a state if disorder. It causes too much or too little activity of the cell which we currently call disease. These very same polarizations also communicate imbalances to the brain, causing further emotional reaction, which then go the cells and impose even more tension and compression. Its a cycle of reflexes and consciousness."
  Pg 35, 36  The Riches Within

Dr Demartini urges us to remember that signs and symptoms of your body give you feedback to guide your mind's awareness and your body's actions back to presence, poise and balance through love and gratitude.

His presentation was both scientific and awe inspiring. The man has read 29 800 books and can readily reference all of his material. He truly is a great advocate for the power of self education.

For me personally it reminded me how necessary it is to change our environment in order to allow the brain to wire and fire in new ways. We get stuck with a particular lens with which we view our life and generally we can only see and feel life in terms of pleasure/pain, loss/gain, positive or negative. However in order to see the gift of the events that are less than favourable, we need to empty out the water of our emotions and ground ourself in logic to look at both sides of the story- the pluses and the minuses.

The Pure Consciousness tools that I have developed facilitate the systematic release of emotion through meditation. The short courses explore what to do with that emotion, should it arise based on the very latest scientific research. I combine The ancient wisdoms of the East with the latest in brain research from the west to inspire you to connect with your heart and neutralize emotion so that you can be poised, purposeful, patient, powerful and productive. I bring your unconscious skills to a conscious level through the breath, creativity and connect you to your intuition through the power of relaxing the mind.

By shifting out of your comfort zone and trying something new, you engage your neural pathways to explore life and raise hope...

To find out more...why not come to the next Intro Night-
Wednesday August 1st 7.30pm
@The Canning River Eco Centre
Cost $20

Here you will be introduced to the Pure Consciousness Philosophy and experience the meditation that I facilitate.

Did you know that there are 84 000 ways to meditate?
Don't let your preconceptions fog up the goldfish bowl that is your mind...break through the glass ceiling and aim to be inspired...

We cannot change our reality if we remain in the same consciousness that created it!

Namaste (The light in me sees the light in you:)
