It never ceases to amaze me how quickly we as individuals in our society will update our mobile phone or television, service our car or our bicycle, get that new gadget that will supposedly make our life a little easier but not think to maintain, upgrade, service or even choose to investigate the quality of our belief systems.
The quality of our lives is dependant on many external factors - our relationships,our physical health, the ability to provide food, shelter and education, our ability to travel and create new experiences. However the single most influencing factor is our ability to look within, elevate our perspective and make the most of the challenges that have been dealt to us.
In business, much capital is spent on upgrading information and communication systems at regular periods to ensure that the business will be able to grow in the future. Time and capitial is required to reflect, refocus and reframe the intentional growth for the future of the organization. This practice is common and widespread and is called "The Legacy Issue" when existing technology requires upgrading. The current voids of the hardware and software systems are assessed to promote future values of the company. The options often presented are either to retire existing systems, and increase spending and refurbish or maintain and upgrade to prevent the internal structures of the company from becoming outdated or obsolete. The challenge is to prevent existing systems confining or limiting growth in the future.
This practice is expensive, requires planning and reflection, taking risks and investigating methods of best practice.
With the individual, when it comes to investment in the latest technology a similar process is undertaken. Often one becomes inspired by whats available and will search for the tool that best meets their needs and then some. How many of us can actually use all of the functions on our television, fridge, mobile phone or camera?
However when it comes to utilzing the power of our hearts, mind an/or brain...many differing attitudes present. Our beliefs determine our focus. If we do not intend to grow, improve, adapt and change to the circumstances in our lives, if we believe we know it all...growth is not possible.
We get what we focus on. If we are not prepared to reflect, understand our voids and values, create space in our minds and hearts for something can we stop repeating old familiar patterns?
The ability to respond rather than react is developed and dependant largely on the neural network in our brains that fire simultaneously in a stressful situation. The more aware we are of our ability to monitor our self talk, our focus, our bodily sensations and the level of emotion to which we react or respond to a challenging situation...the more chance we have of observing our physical and mental state, rather than becoming that emotion in times of challenge and stress.
Our capacity to respond emotionally is often taken as a given in situations...not as something that requires maintenance or work. We will often revert to coping strategies that we have seen modelled in our environments or actions that allow us to avoid feeling any pain.
You cannot truly change your reality if you do not change the consciousness that created it...This is not dependant on where you live, what brand labels you can afford or how famous you are...This is totally dependant on how much peace and love you have in your life...and how much you intend to create.
If your belief systems are constantly avoiding pain and seeking pleasure, if you cannot find a work life balance, if you are unhappy within your current circumstance and are needing to numb life inorder to cope with it....then the signs are there for you to create change that is healthy and meaningful...
We will easily spend money on something that will make us look good like our hair or our nails, a new suit, a new house or a new car. However how many of us will commit to something that will create authentic long lasting change, that will help us go beyond what we think we know is true, that will help us shift out of a comfort zone...that is not particularly comfortable?
You don't need to spend alot of money to create these changes...The best help is self help! It is amazing how when you set the intention to the right resource appears at the right time...
What you do need is to reflect on what is working and not working in your life...and also think about where you want to be in the next 5 years...Are you intending to grow, change, adapt and become more resilient? Do you want to love your life a little bit more...or alot more than you do now?
Your life is only limited by the questions you DO NOT ask yourself...If there are signs of complacency or being confined...perhaps it's time to do something different to what you have always done.
Experience is stronger than belief...Meditation opens windows of our minds that can help us see how past adaptations and beliefs, restrict current relationships. It allows us to create space between the thousands of thoughts we have in a day. It helps intergrate the left and right brain and creates tools of observation, compassion and silence in a way that we may not be familiar with. It helps promote flexibility and freedom as we become more able to direct our feelings and thoughts rather than be driven by them. We get to sense a bigger picture.
Siegal (2010) states that neuroscientists have found that mental and emotional changes that we can create through the development of meditative practices actually result in changes in the physical brain. He states in his book " Mindsight The New Science of Personal Transformation" that the scientific reality is that we need experiences to develop this essential human capacity.
However the first step is to acknowledge your current voids and be open to creating change.When we are honest and accept where we are at, it is much easier to take the baby steps to move forward.
If you think of the body and the brain as your physical hardware and your thoughts and beliefs as the software that drives you... What's your Legacy Issue?
If you want to take steps to change your reality and create more heartfelt relaxation, space and peace within....why not think of learning something new...become an expert on your greatest asset...It takes practice to change old habits and time to investigate our greatest assets - our mind, our spirit and the wisest tool of all, our body...
The exciting news is that it is possible. When time, effort and practice is put into creating space and practising the Pure Consciousness methods of mediation, transformation is possible. The good news is that you do not have to do it on your own and it is affordable especially if compared to the money spent on cars, phones, make up, clothes, hair appointments, nails etc...
Pure Consciousness is a spiritually motivated endeavour that facilitates your own creative power to guide your own lives. The mission is to create balance and connect individuals to their own creativity and intuition by the teaching different meditation and mindsight techniques.
It is non-denominational and designed to accelerate authentic change and growth in your life.
The Mediation and You course introduces you to many tools that support the meditative process and your journey of self discovery to creating the life that you really want to have.
Don't you deserve to address your own Legacy Issue and if not now, when?
With love and light,
Pure Consciousness Intro Nights - Cost $20
will be held @ The Canning River Eco Centre
Wednesday Nights on the 11th and 18th of May from 7.30pm-9pm
Why not sample the Relaxation for Meditation Process and create real change in your life?